Saving The Easter Bunny



I’ll call the frantic thing a she, although I wasn’t sure about the sex, but she did have a cotton tail and pointed ears. Turns out I left my pool cover open all night and surprisingly the next morning, without stopping to make coffee, something told me to go and do something else first. Here’s a fact: if I avoid coffee in the morning, it would be as likely as a meteorite striking me while I’m climbing Mount Everest in my shorts and sandals without oxygen.

For some reason, I found myself beckoned to the back window, where I looked out at the aqua pool water and saw a skinny little animal paddling furiously around the edges of the pool, intermittently attempting to pull herself out onto the safety of dry land, but then failing, and slipping back into the water that most assuredly would take her life when she lost the energy to stay afloat. From above, I couldn’t tell what kind of animal it was – a squirrel or a large rat perhaps, but it didn’t matter because I ran outside in my bathrobe and slippers – that sounds better than boxer shorts and bare feet doesn’t it?

I was going to save the poor thing, no matter what animal it was. Turns out it was a cute, but frantic bunny rabbit, her thick fur matted down to her skinny frame as if she was shorn like a baby sheep. She was fatiguing and I knew I had to get her out fast before she gave up and drowned.  So I got out my leaf skimmer, scooped her up and she calmly sat on the flat screen, didn’t jump, but waited until I gently placed her on the concrete, then joyfully hopped through the slats in my fence.

If I had stopped to make some delicious coffee that morning, she would’ve drowned.

She never looked back at me, but I’m sure she was grateful to get back to her family, or mate, or you know, maybe she had to prepare for some special duties coming up in ten days. I hoped she would be back to visit me someday soon and maybe leave me some tasty Easter eggs before I go to church services on Easter Sunday. I hope she knows to bring me Cadbury Cream Eggs.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

2 thoughts on “Saving The Easter Bunny

  1. Thanks, not sure about special but I don’t like seeing animals suffer actually. Hopefully, everyone received their Easter eggs.

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