Where’s the Respect?

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Of the legions of voracious readers of my blog, perhaps a few will understand where I extract some of my inspiration, if you want to call it that.  And no, this time, it wasn’t at the bar.  What set me off this time was some guy wearing what he thought was a handsome beret in church services.  What then exploded within me is my review of some of the scenes of disrespect that I have witnessed in this country. The actions or inactions of disrespect apply to what people do to their fellow man, our country, our institutions and our way of life. By no means is this list of ten exhaustive, but just the ones that came to my mind quite quickly this afternoon.  You readers may certainly add scores of others of course.

And for those of you who consider this political, you clearly don’t comprehend my words because it has nothing at all to do with politics.  Just respect.  For those with this view, I simply ask you to read this piece four or five times.  Slowly.  And finally, for those of you who are misguided enough to think this is racially motivated, it is not, and you are simply deceiving yourself with purposeful misperceptions because you are light years away from the truth on this piece.

Disclaimer:  I am a former Eagle Scout and Ex – Military.  I’m proud of both. That should explain some of my background, but certainly not all.

Here is my top ten list on the topic of RESPECT!

1)      YOUR PARENTS:  Do I need to say any more about this?

2)      MEN: SHOW RESPECT WITH YOUR HATS! Proper respect dictates that you always take your hats off in a place of worship.  In addition, you take your hats off in a show of respect in someone’s home, mealtimes, while being introduced, whether inside or out, indoors at work, public buildings, movie theaters and absolutely when the national anthem is being played or the flag passes by you, such as during a parade.

3)      RESPECT THE FLAG OF THE UNITED STATES!: If I EVER see you stomping on, burning, spitting on, or desecrating our flag, I will come and take the flag from you, then, I will knock the living hell out of you.  After that, I will send you off on a slow boat to some third world country where you will no longer have the protection of the United States military, its government and the protection of its constitution.  In addition, you will no longer receive taxpayer funded government assistance.  Too many men and women have sacrificed their lives for the freedoms you take for granted.  If you have a disagreement with something, I respect that. Then voice your opinion, but stay away from our beautiful flag.

4)      MEN:  OPEN DOORS FOR LADIES WHEN YOU CAN: Old fashioned, perhaps, but I still do and enjoy it.  Ladies are beautiful gifts from God. Of course, there are always exceptions.

5)      RESPECT THE OPINIONS OF OTHERS:  Even if you disagree, listen to that opinion and think, with an open mind, then make a logical argument against it if you still disagree. Who knows, maybe you will learn something. But don’t call the other person names, throw slurs or show disrespect just because they have a different opinion. You will always lose and show that you are lower than a snake if you do.

6)      RESPECT OUR POLICEMEN AND WOMEN:  Without them, we will live in anarchy.

7)      RESPECT OUR SCHOOL TEACHERS:  Without teachers, we accomplish nothing in life. They work hard and do it for little pay.  If you beat them up and disrupt them while they are teaching, then later, complain that you don’t have a job, then of course, I have no pity on you. You have no self – respect. (See no. 10).

8)      RESPECT THE MEN AND WOMEN WHO SERVE IN THE MILITARY:  They volunteer, my friend, to protect you and may even pay the ultimate sacrifice for your protection.  What have you done today?

9)      RESPECT OUR HISTORY:  Yes, that actually means you will have to read history books.  The more you know about history, the more you will understand about the world today, and you will be less ignorant of events that are transpiring.  That also means you need to learn the national anthem and America the beautiful.

10)   RESPECT YOURSELF FIRST:  If you don’t respect yourself and who you are, then who do you think will respect you?







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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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