Things have changed in the world significantly since I was younger. You all know what I mean: Cultural changes, spiritual nonchalance, lack or respect for history, honor and decorum, as well as chivalry. Here are a few things I will say about what I will fight about to keep and what I will let fall by the wayside as a waste of my precious time:
- What I will ignore and not waste my time: (let go)
Men who insist on wearing hats in the Church sanctuary or hallowed institutions: Due to my military background, I was taught decorum and respect and we would never do this. In the past, this bothered me, and I would become irritated when I saw this. Now, I realize, it is a part of our disrespectful culture and it will not change. Therefore, I ignore it and let it go and I am pleased they are at least in church and not sleeping at home.
People who wear shorts and flip-flops in church: Same thing, we should show respect with how we dress in a church sanctuary, if we can, that is, if we can afford decent clothes. However, I know longer care about this, and I ignore it and let it go. As above, at least they are in church worshipping, so that is good.
People who say they will do something or commit to it, then, not show up: If they do not commit and do what they say they are going to do, then, I will not commit to them. I let them go, and no longer care about their words. I will not let them bother me.
Men who talk incessantly, non-stop: These men are not to be trusted and are usually manipulators. Therefore, I ignore them, do not waste my time, and walk away. It is best to trust the man of few words.
People who care only about themselves, without caring or giving a little to others: No matter how much they smile at me or say nice things to me, I will ignore them and let them go.
People who talk constantly with a mouth full of food: I don’t care to sit by them anymore. So, I politely get up and walk away. Not worth the social contact, if that is what it is, when I am eating.
- What I will not ignore and will make a stand for or against:
People who demand I use the correct PRONOUNS: You can call yourself whatever you want. But you will not force your mental illness upon me, nor force me to use the pronouns you choose: For example, if you demand to be called “it” or “purple” or “doggie” rather than your real name of Jim or Judy, I will refuse. Completely. That is your mental illness and I will not participate in this. I won’t put it in your face, and I will not allow you to put your craziness in my face.
A patient demanded that I call him “it” or “doggie” as preferred. I refused politely and when talking to this individual I did not use those words. I would say “you” or refer to the human as a “patient” but never their chosen pronouns. In the chart, I write, “The patient said.” However, other physicians who see the same patient write in chart: “it” or “doggie said,” and I cringe when I see them play along with this crap.
A group of women, or at least I thought they were women, were standing near me, and when I walked in, I politely said to the group, “Good morning, ladies.” Someone then said to me “Dr. Carson, you can call us ladies. But be careful in the future. Someone will be offended.” I said, “when I see a group of horses, I call it a group of horses. When I see a group of ladies, I will call them ladies, with respect. If someone is offended, I don’t care about your feelings. “I just don’t care. I call it as I see it. If we don’t fight this WOKE crap now, and not let it overwhelm our culture, with the extreme minority wielding wicked power over the majority, we are doomed as a society.
People who disrespect our flag: If I see some low -life disrespect our flag of the United States, I will confront them, and correct their indignity on the spot. They will not do it again if I see them
People who tear down our institutions and honor foreign flags on our soil, but still eat our food and take our welfare: I will not ever let this go, and will confront them and do whatever I can to push to deport them out of this wonderful country that they appear to disrespect.
Decorum and Chivalry: This is rare and not commonly seen anymore. I disagree and will not let this long-lost style die. I will treat ladies well, by definition, unless of course, they treat me poorly.
People who vote with emotions rather than logic: we don’t vote for people who are the prettiest or gentle in their ways. We vote for those with morals and courage and intelligence with a desire to improve all people in our country. If you say something stupid, I will confront you on the spot and speak logically to you that is, if you are capable of logic without emotion. I will not let stupid words infiltrate into our lives.
People who are afraid to thank God in public. Or, be thankful from their blessings from heaven: I will not cower to this. I will discuss the almighty, when that discussion is due, and thank him for the blessings he gave me, even in public. At all times.
© SRCarson Publications
Very correct statements! Thank you, Dr. Carson, that there are real men in this world and that no circumstance will break your fortitude in your soul!
Dr. Carson, you are a brave warrior in God’s mighty army. A true patriot. You will definitely someday hear, “Well done my good and faithful servant”. Splendid writing once again. A very courageous piece. Thanks for fighting the good fight.