The Sleep Movement: Do as We Say or WOKE Up

Certainly, there have been and will continue to be many movements in our history.  For example, symphony movements, The Feminist Movement, Animal Rights Movement and of course the mandatory cleansing bowel movement.

But here is what you need to know: You all need to WOKE up, rather, I mean wake up to the The Sleep Movement.

Sleep is very important to our health and livelihood. The proper amount of good sleep is important for memory consolidation, immune health and prevention of infection, proper functioning during the day, avoidance of obesity and of course the essential nocturnal tumescence (erections) that men need.  So, if you don’t believe in obtaining seven to eight hours of good sleep per night, you are a bad person and must be canceled.

For example, if you ever wrote on social media as a teenager or a college student, or perhaps in your high school year book, that you were proud of the fact that you could live and survive on two hours of sleep per night, then the Sleep Movement will shame and destroy you as fast as possible.  We will find out about your past sleep mistakes or statements and bring you to sleep justice.  In fact, if we ever find out you called other people dirty names like “sleepy head” then that cannot be tolerated, even if you said it when drunk at a college party. If you ever wrote or said that “sleep is overrated” 10 or 20 years ago, we will find out about it and remove you from your job and humiliate you.  The universal truth is that you are responsible permanently for everything you said and did, even as a baby in smelly diapers and the Sleep Movement is responsible for judging you.  It doesn’t matter what your excuse is or was. You must be destroyed, preferably in public and at your place of employment and we will write your name and phone number on public bathroom stalls so all Sleep Movement people can shame you properly.

All scientific evidence that I have created during my vivid dream sleep proves that if you do not believe in good sleep you are misogynistic and racist.  And you are probably a xenophobe as well since all of those descriptors seem to be related in some way that I cannot understand.  In fact, I think all people who do not believe in sleep should be canceled because of their obvious racism.  It has become obvious that all people that don’t believe in our Sleep Movement or our thoughts and beliefs are racists.

If you disagree with our beliefs then you are a racist and possibly even a dirty misogynist as well, I don’t know why, but I would be suspicious and mark you for further investigation by the exalted Sleep authorities.  Either way, you must be canceled and we will not stoop so low as to let you defend your stupid ideas.   You are guilty and obviously it is a waste of time to allow a trial by peers. And if you are a white non – sleeper, you are double racist at birth!  We must teach all our children this truth and indoctrinate them into our righteous beliefs as early as three months of age and certainly before they are potty trained!  We have therefore created the National Inane Endowment for Education of Sleep Non – believers, providing educational materials and curricula for grade school through high school teachers and college professors to assist in this mandatory indoctrination.

Why are people who don’t believe in the Sleep Movement racist?  I have no idea actually, but it doesn’t matter. It seems that you can use this racist word any time you want, and it provides a certain faux power – a self – righteous power that can be easily exerted over others, even if there is no basis for it.  What is amazing is that that word racist is used so often now that few people know what the true evil meaning is anymore, and that is a powerful weapon.  That power it seems cannot be overcome with intellectual debate because we don’t allow debate, and that sends shivers of exhilarating power up my spine!

Power to the Sleep Movement.

Signed, the Grand Cathartic Master of the Sleep Movement 2021, K. Marx, V

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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