It was 10:55 am, five minutes before opening time at the Beach Bar, and Sam turned on the lights and unlocked the front door, but not the side door which remained dead-bolted. He retrieved his broom and dust pan, and quickly began sweeping up under the booths to make things presentable for his early customers, who wouldn’t enjoy a few lonely peanut shells under their feet that he missed from last -nights cleaning before closing.
“Sam, you keep a good shop, here, nice and homey with the best grease burgers I have ever let slide into my old gullet, but you forgot to lock your back window, so of course, since I was thirsty, I took advantage of that small slip -up. But that was a good thing, because I found several listening devices under the tables and a hidden video camera just above where you are sweeping. I removed them and threw them in your back dumpster, but of course, before that, I took the liberty of talking into one of the devices so they could hear and said, beacoup dien cai dau.”
Startled to hear a voice in his just-opened bar, Sam turned around and glared in shock at the old man, sitting at the bar, back to Sam, and yet it seemed, always aware of everything around him and behind him.
“Ollie! —how did you, I mean, damn it Ollie, you scared me! You know you could come here any time when we are open through the front door.”
“Of course, Sam. But so does everyone else, including the slimy vermin who sneak around looking for easy opportunity amongst the innocent.”
Sam unlocked the front door, then put on his white bar apron, and went behind the bar to get Ollie his Guinness, without being asked. But he noticed that the old man, for the first time, was alone, with no Shadow Men in the corner. He thought that was distinctly unusual, but decided to say nothing.
Ollie took several long swigs, said ahhh, then said. “Sam, it’s been too long, but I had to come back. This is my only real home.”
“You know you are welcome here anytime, but Carson and I knew they were looking for you, and figured you would stay in hiding. Quite a few people come here, I assume looking for you, but they usually don’t say anything, except that tall hot one with the long black hair, you know, um…”
“Yeah, she brightens up the place and the patrons enjoy the scenery she carries with her, but I never tell her anything, Ollie, you know—”
“It doesn’t matter any more Sam. She is just doing her job, but I think she is a little lost in life, and needs a friendly guidance to find the correct path to truth. She is doing what she is told, and I will let her meet me someday. But others will come —some with evil embedded in their cold hearts, hidden by the bright smiles they display so well. Fortunately, things have changed now, and finally, I may have someone in Washington who has the strength to listen to what I have to say, at the proper time. So, I will let them find me, because after all—how can a 103-year-old man who walks with a cane possibly cause any harm to the slithering darkness?”
Sam stared at Ollie, unable to form any words, and Ollie could see that his hands were trembling, slightly, and Ollie knew she got to Sam. He knew that Veronica could get information from any man, but he had taught Carson well, and he had become a part of him, and therefore, could not be broken.
“I’m scared,” said Sam. “I think I’m going to lose my bar and bad things are going to happen now.”
“Bad things are always happening Sam, but we must be ready for them. So, it is important that you must put on the full armor of God, and you will do that with prayer to the Almighty, and your courage will come. And by the way, I need another Guinness please before I go.”
Sam put the Guiness in front of the insouciant Ollie, who downed it as quickly as if he was lost in a desert, then, began to walk out. As he walked out, not knowing what else to say, Sam said, “Till the next time, old man, and by the way, what is beaucoup dien cai dau?”
“It is Vietnamese/French slang for Crazy in the head. Be well Sam, and thanks for the brews.”
© 2025 SRCarson Publications
I don’t even know whether to hate Veronica… or admire her… but one thing I know for sure is that my admiration for Ollie is growing more and more!
I adore this mystical man named Ollie. He resurfaces when and where I least suspect. Keeps me wanting to read more and more about this stealth , strong and spiritual soul. He is becoming part of Carson and also becoming part of me. He teaches me a lot of things. Thank you for creating this amazing character. Brilliant addition to your story.