Writing Novels While Lap Swimming and Will You Finish the Novel Before I’m Dead?

The stimulus for this little piece came from a wonderful 87 year old long – time patient of mine who joked, “Dr. Carson, will you finish your new novel before I’m dead? I want to read it.” I’ve recently found myself in the gray doldrums of what many call writer’s block. It means I am completely unable to start a page on my next novel chapter. Rather than using the worn out phrase – Read More

Headline: “Wine soaked tongue inspires fingers to type”

But then, if the gorgeous red I’m drinking is so effective in making my fingers fly on the keyboard, why is my mind drawing a blank? I’ve only enjoyed half a glass. So far. Sure, I’ve written about what inspires my writing, you know – doodling in church, writing on cocktail napkins at the bar, and trying to remember my stimulating ideas while swimming laps. But maybe all of this is wrong. It’s the red win Read More