To Love With Hate

I finally re read my novel, correcting some of the edits the copy editor missed, and each time I read this story, it sends my emotions on a free -fall parachute ride, once again. It’s been a long journey of frustration, pain and learning, but I believe it is worth it, especially since the world would never see this book published if the NDE I went through last april wen the other way. I will post the publicat Read More

To Love With Hate

Finally, my debut novel is going to be published! Not sure the exact date, but my guess is sometime in May, 2014. The process has been long, frustrating and certainly a learning experience for me. But I’m happy with the story, and it is told the way it should be told. The art department at the publisher showed me the proofs of the paper back cover and it is impressive, and certainly eye catching. I’ll k Read More

Another Teaser from the upcoming novel: “To Love With Hate”

Excuse me ma’am, but I wanted to ask if you would like to sit in first class.” “Why of course young man, but I didn’t buy a ticket for first class. Too expensive.” “Yes, of course, but I would like you to take my seat so you can be more comfortable. I need a change, since I fly first class all the time, and the people up there are too stuffy sometimes.” “Well, I couldn’t, I… “Yes you can. Here Read More

Another excerpt from “To Love with Hate”

  The cruise ship boarded at the Port of Los Angeles, and the next two full days would be at sea until the first scheduled port of call, Puerto   Vallarta.  Katherine was so hard to convince to travel without the kids, but he loved to travel and immerse himself in local culture and history.  In his book, Europe was higher on his list of fun destinations than the Mexican Riviera, but the cruise was certainly Read More

A scene from “To Love with Hate”

Wyatt arrived home about three – thirty after the golf outing and one pint at lunch.  Katherine called to say she and the boys would be late, but that he could go ahead and help himself to the beef roast, which he did. He then fell asleep on the couch with his beeper next to his head. Exactly at 4:30, sure enough, the beeper sounded off, awakening Wyatt from a nice slumber on the soft leather couch. Damn.  Read More

Mommy – nourished Zombie neurons, merciless hips, crossed-leg man bait, monkey hallucinations

These four phrases, ‘Mommy – nourished Zombie neurons’, ‘merciless hips’, ‘crossed – leg man  bait’ and ‘monkey hallucinations’ are all in my upcoming novel.  Of course, you’re probably scratching your head…hopefully it’s your head and not something lower you’re scratching, wondering what the hell connection there is with these phrases, but then I guess Read More

Men with tight Jeans and Muscles: This one is for the ladies, an excerpt from my upcoming novel: “To Love with Hate”

  The heavily muscled marine walked into the entry, quickly scanning the expansive family room: the huge Christmas tree, a crackling fire, and, especially, the beautiful brunette sitting elegantly on a lucky couch. “Congratulations, little Bro; you rock!” exclaimed Gavin. “What the hell you mean, you lawyer puke?” said Blake. “As always, you still have a way with words.  I heard you won the Marine m Read More

Another tease from my upcoming novel: “To Love with Hate”

    Wyatt grunted while he slowly rousted himself off the couch for the bedroom. He had barely sunk into sleep when he was startled awake. The November wind was flapping the metal oven vents on the roof and vibrating the windowpanes, threatening to shatter them.   He was used to being alone in the spacious house, jerking awake when the phone rang at all hours.  The neighbors often let their dogs out du Read More

An excerpt from my upcoming novel:”To Love with Hate”

Amy and Julie met at Rick’s bar, an institution that was famous for its happy hour, and the effect it had on facilitating the testosterone-estrogen interaction.  They both wore short skirts and heels because they could and they looked good especially when they posed at the front on high bar stools. “Kinda quiet here,” said Julie “Don’t worry.  It’ll pick up.  Especially if we’re here.”  They bot Read More