Home Alone, Grand Finale…Maybe

The jackhammer pounding of my heart forced the blood into my carotid and temporal arteries, and it was all I could do to keep my body from jerking with each pulse, thus giving away my location to the intruder that the police couldn’t find.  I called upon my military survival training to control my breathing and concentrate totally on completing my task successfully.  My index finger gingerly remained in the Read More

Home Alone. I Think

    After spending the day operating on hearts, I met a friend for dinner and a glass of cab, and then headed home to crash.  Thought about editing my novel a little, but my creative juices leaked out and the reservoir was empty.  Hard to be creative when your hands are inside someone’s chest cavity for hours on end.  While driving down the street to my home, I noticed a police car parked about two h Read More