She Loves To Read

She Loves to Read She has a variety of interests in reading.  This includes history, historical fiction, a limited number of biographies, such as Lincoln and his early years, Einstein or Amelia Earhart, Nabokov, Camus, Robert Penn Warren, Ayn Rand, C.S. Lewis, Kafka, SRCarson, natural history and astronomy, how – to books on gardening, or cooking, page – turning fiction with complex characters, rom Read More

Her Mind Excites Me

 She has such a warm and inviting voice, never judgmental or condescending but always producing gentle waves of calm deep within my masculine soul.  That was the impression I received the first time I heard her voice and each time I heard it, I yearned to listen to her more, not just for the intellect and knowledge that she shared with me so generously, but for the stimulation she brought to my hungry br Read More

My First Love

    To this day, I still have the image of her beauty permanently stored in my memory banks, eagerly recalled anytime I need a smile or a pleasant memory.  The first time I saw her, I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and although that’s a cliché, it’s one that fits perfectly.  I knew it was rude to stare, but I figured it was ok to glance at beauty without gawking, intent on absorbing as much of th Read More