Something Has Changed Inside Me

  Do you feel God’s presence? I usually write for the sake of the words themselves, carefully placing the story on paper because it should be written and not necessarily to become a bestselling author.  When I pen other words, it may be for entertainment and pleasure as well, but there are times when I write because, simply, I must.  This is one of those times. I’m a Christian, grew up in a Christian hom Read More

“Code Blue: A Doctor’s View of His Own Near Death Experience”

You can purchase this short story digitally only on  Here’s the link: An emotionally charged story written by a physician who provides the diagnosis and witnesses his own Near Death Experience, this story grabs the reader immediately and does not let go.  Described moment to moment with poignant detail, Dr. Carson engages the reader with a spiritual lesson t Read More

I Felt The Grip of Death

  Death’s grip started with excruciating pain, but then, eventually faded into  peaceful bliss.  I didn’t have time to say goodbye to anyone because death would not wait for my wishes.  I wasn’t ready, but it didn’t matter; it was happening no matter what.   Death came to me, ready or not.   I touched him and felt the terrible burn, but at the same time, enjoyed the blissful wave of peace wit Read More