Silliness and Monty Python

There may be a few of you who are still alive that may remember the British comedy team named Monty Python. They performed their hilariously stupid comedy sketches some years ago, back when the authorities allowed us to laugh freely without arrest or public ridicule for our inappropriate guffaws. Of course, I was just a wee little lad back then, having barely graduated from crawling to walking, and i am sure you b Read More

Bad Asses and Gentleman

Bad Asses and Gentleman I suppose you can be a bad ass, a pompous ass, or a gentleman, but can you really be all three?  Or maybe if anyone calls you an ass, especially preceded by an adjective, you cannot also be a gentleman or especially not a real gentleman. Some of the other commonly used adjectives that are used in front of the word ass also include stupid, dumb, smart, lazy, fat, ugly and perh Read More

Fifth Grade Chorus: A Seminal Event

  Warning: Some who read this may laugh, some may cry, and yet others may simply smile and say to themselves,”yeah, that explains it.”   I’ve had a few life experiences that may qualify as seminal events, but perhaps fifth grade choir may have been one of the earliest ones I guess. Of course, its been a long time since I was 10 years old, and to be honest, I’m not sure it was third, fourt Read More

Why do Fat Men Watch?

  Reader discretion is advised.  I will potentially offend people here, but I don’t care.  Just observing the truth and writing it down. Please understand that the following groups of people will potentially be offended if they are not reading with an open and honest mind: 1)      Morbidly obese people who specifically are lazy. 2)      Swimmer nuts who eat, drink (well not literally) and sleep i Read More