

Found this here tubey thing, think they call’er a stetherscope er sumthin.  Ain’t sure what in tarnation it’s doin on the side of a road in Arkansas. Maybe somebody threw it out the window durin a fight cuz they was lost or maybe it’s just no good.  Reckon they use’er for docterin or nurserin and such in them there high falutin hospitals.  Ain’t been to no hospitals cuz ahm healthy as a damn plow hoarse.

Reminds me, been memry’n bout ol Jessy, she were a damn strong’un, lived to 30 years er so. Hope I due the same.  Nuff bout those damn memries. Dangerous to jump into the darkness o’ memry’n tho, got to look to the future, cuz memry’n brings me back to the blackness again.  Makes my mind do crazy thangs then my body follows what he sayin.

It says, “Littman” on the bottom round silver thing.  That must be the name of the guy what owns it.  But maybe it’s a woman?  Hope it’s a her what owned it.  On the TV at the barber shop I saw them shows and them doctorin women wear them long coats and high heels and look finer than a bass floppin into my boat in the morning.  But nurses on them shows sure steam like vittles on the boil, drive my innards upside down till I get swoozy and such.

Hold on tho.  Maybe her name ain’t Littman.  Looks like “SRCardon”, no “SRCarson” on the side the black tube.  Hell, this chick or guy can’t even spill her name so she writes “SR”.  Must think her shit don’t stink er sumthin.  But maybe it’s not a chick.  Don’t matter no how, sure are the cock crows come next day yellow sky, the owner’d pay a pretty penny to get this thing back, sure as the sun rises.

Ah may not be two eddicated, but I’ll find’em sure enough.  Wherever they is, may have to go to the library in the city and ask them to show me how to use that fancy outernet thing on the computer to find them.  Or maybe, I kin keep the stetherscope, buy some those doctorin close and fake’em out at the hospital and do some things.  There goes ma mind agin!  This is goin to be a damn fun time in the hen house when the fox comes knockin!


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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