Shock Doc Writer Vs. Shock Jock Radio Host

Shock Doc Writer



Some say I look like Howard Stern, the Xirius XM Shock Jock.  I resent that statement.  Has anyone considered the alternative explanation?  Howard Stern looks like me? Just because he’s a famous radio/TV personality doesn’t necessarily mean he’s more popular than a Shock Doc writer/novelist does it?

Obviously he’s older than I am and on TV frequently but that doesn’t mean he was the first to enjoy the long haired frizzy look that drives the ladies wild. He just enjoys more face exposure. Not only that, I’m sure he dyes his hair. In fact, writers and novelists can be attractive too, I mean, think of Harlan Coban for example. He doesn’t have the hair that I do, but you know, there are some who claim that bald is beautiful. Consider also the sophisticated charm of Cormac McCarthy sitting in his august study wearing his smoking jacket.

The bottom line though is this:  A Shock Jock radio personality can be successful at what he does, but he can never be one thing:  A Shock Doc Writer.  Writers are wordsmiths who use words to build sentences to provide images and excitement for the readers, using creativity and skill to tell stories that need to be told. But a Shock Doc does all that with a medical background that adds reality to the scenes, especially when there’s blood spilled causing words like “give me a chest tube” to strike the page.

That’s write.  I mean right. Heck, I’ve done TV interviews before on medical subjects or to discuss natural disasters and the health scares that may befall us.  Sometimes the TV stations even invite me back during emergencies.  Well you know what I mean.  Surely not when they’re desperate for a body to fill up a story slot, but when there are real emergencies.  I think.

Yeah, Stern’s a successful Shock Jock, but he’s no Shock Doc!

So the take home point is this: While Mr. Stern and I look similar, the debate about who looked that way first is going to rage for as long as the two of us are alive.  But alas, you curious ones who are wondering what I look like will be able to meet me at my upcoming book signing November 21 in Colorado Springs.  I heard Colorado Springs is a nice town.

Photographs will be allowed, but my muscle – bound security team will review each photo to ensure accuracy and that there are no touch – ups or alterations. If I break out in song however, this cannot be recorded though, for the protection of the general public.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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