She Wouldn’t Let Me Take Pictures


I awoke to the sound of my cat acting all weird, jumping up and down, grabbing the blinds covering one of the basement windows. What a pest, my cat. Probably saw a fly and was frustrated that he couldn’t catch it and eat it while air born. But since this was a temporary rental house, I needed to protect the blinds from claw damage, so, I looked out the window, saw nothing, scolded the cat and put him out in the garage so he didn’t damage something.

Stupid cat.

So, after an hour or so, I let him back in and gave him a chance to cool off a little, then I poured myself a luxurious cup of lifesaving coffee. After one sip, my brain cells slowly started to reluctantly flicker back on.

Then he did it again. Jumping up and down on the basement window blinds. Time to put him out in the garage all day now. So, I grabbed the cat, this time pulling the blinds all the way up and I viewed a great view of the corrugated metal window well. I saw nothing, once again, until I looked down and there she was – a tiny baby bunny, huddled in a corner, motionless, but eyes wide.

Still hadn’t finished my coffee.

I thought it was amazing Rocky could sense this poor baby bunny, not making a sound, invisible to the eye or any other human sense, but my cat knew the baby bunny was in trouble. He was telling me to get off my ass and do something.

So I did. I grabbed a step ladder, pulled up the grating covering the window well, and put the ladder in, which of course, scared the little grass eater. I climbed to the bottom and wanted to get her picture, but she was too excited, and wouldn’t sit still for a pose. Why won’t he just rescue me and stop worrying about cute pictures? Finally, I was able to corral the little thing in a corner, picked her up and reached to the top, and she jumped while I threw her to safety. Or at least, back to the wild of nature and the well-watered grass.

So, no pretty pictures for my readers today. But, I was able to get back to my warm coffee, and I smiled, knowing if I did nothing more today, at least I helped give the little bunny a chance in life, and it was all because my cat could sense the danger she was in.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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