Painting Sea Life With Words




I sat at a café in Monterrey while watching the playful sea otters break clams with rocks on their bellies while frolicking amongst the undulating kelp fronds. Then, I took a drink of luscious red wine, swirled it around to savor it, looked out again, and it seemed they were waving at me, or at least looking at me, so I waved back. Who cares if people were watching me. They didn’t understand.


I realized these otters were teaching me to enjoy life and live more for the moment, even if danger lurked beneath, knowing that if we don’t take a chance and live the way we were born to live, we haven’t lived at all in this world that we all share together, but in different ways.


You know it seems when I travel and enjoy the breathtaking scenery, I immerse myself in the beauty and I become a painter who is completely incapable of using a brush, but instead, the words jump from my fingers and create a scene can’t be viewed directly on canvas but is instead imagined by the reader who allows his/her mind to paint the scene themselves in their creative mind, with my humble assistance


I am blessed.


Note to reader:  This is a picture I took of a family of sea lions/seals in Monterrey Harbor.  Sorry but I don’t have a photo of sea otters.

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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