When is it Safe to Use the R. Word?

I am not sure any of us know the answer to that question. Especially not me, because I have been studying this subject vigorously for most of my life, since I learned to read and write after becoming vigorously potty trained.  Unfortunately, after all the years of study and analysis, it seems my efforts have become fruitless, and yet, like the Holy Grail, I must keep searching for the answer. It must be there Read More

Miss T And I Are One

I really didn’t want her at all, but she seems to want me badly.  But then, of course, who would blame her, right? The problem is that I can’t get rid of her now, unfortunately.  She’s attached to me and always with me, wherever I go, or whatever I do.  She’s there with me at work, when driving, eating, social events, bathroom breaks, showers and well, I think you get it without furt Read More

She Loves Country Music the Most

She likes quite a few music genres, including rock, R and B, blues, and smooth jazz, depending on her mood. Basically, she loves anything that sounds good and is performed by accomplished musicians.  She likes symphony orchestras too, because she learned music theory in school, and understood the complexity of each instrument, and its’ contribution to the piece, structured by the brilliantly produced sc Read More

God is Great and Beer is Good

Inspiration borrowed from Billy Currington’s country song, People are Crazy I found myself floundering a little bit because it’s been about five weeks since I heard from Ollie — well actually, 39 days to be exact.  At his age, I knew that he could kick the bucket any day, because, sometimes, old bodies just fail, but still, he promised me that he would help me write his book.  Is it too late Read More

What’s up, Silly?

It has crossed my mind quite a few times, that although there are many difficult languages in the world, English is not without its’ challenges. For example, some words have multiple meanings, but sound the same such as to, two and too.  And the famous lie and lye.  You can think of others. However, these peculiarities are difficult to explain at times, especially to folks trying to learn Engl Read More

The Abominable Wuhan Doc is Still Saving Lives

The nasty virus that has killed millions throughout the world and devastated lives, livelihoods and the economies of the entire world, originated from Wuhan China, and that is without question.  In fact, The Chinese government sent flights of Chinese nationals living in Wuhan province to the U.S after the Wuhan province outbreak, but in order not to infect the rest of China, did not allow flights from Wuh Read More

I Received a Letter from Ollie: There is Hope

I haven’t heard from him in a few weeks, and for some reason I was worried about him, but then why should I worry?  It seems from what I can gather from the tidbits of information he tosses at me, he is either at the bar, the beach, or church, and that he’s been through a lot in his life, but still comes through relatively unscathed, but then, it’s difficult to know exactly what’s in his 106-year-old Read More

French Class: The Last Remaining Photo in Existence

Back when I was much younger, I attended a certain famous U.S. Military Academy which of course, shall remain nameless. This was quite a challenging experience, and one that I cherish now, with memories of this experience that most certainly changed me at the young age, for the better. It was actually pretty much hell on earth the first year—and I learned a lot about myself in that I could probably survi Read More

The Old Man Goes to Church

I missed him, and I wasn’t sure I would see him again.  But I knew if he was still alive, he would find me somehow, or at least I hoped he would, because I didn’t know enough about him yet to write his book.  He chose me to write it, but how was I supposed to do it if I knew next to nothing about him?  His words seemed to cycle back to my consciousness every few days: “Your T-shirt that sa Read More

Update on Ollie

Dear readers: For reasons beyond my control, the shadow men have apparently decided to take Ollie to an undisclosed location, and unfortunately, I am unable to communicate with him now. It seems that they believe that I am becoming too close to the old man, and that perhaps I may take him up on his offer to write a book about him.  That is not in their best interest it seems, so they have taken him away Read More