Supercilious vs Sui Generis

I am about 12 days post-op from abdominal surgery, and finally I am out trying to get back my physical shape, if possible. I have been forbidden to do core body exercises such as sit-ups or planks, and also lifting anything greater than 20 pounds or something. So, my only choice was to walk around the neighborhood.  And today, it was a beautiful sunny day, although quite windy, which made the wind Read More

Old Photo Guess Contest

It is rare that I provide real photos that potentially show me for the world to see, because after all, once the paparazzi and ravenous reporters figure out who I am, they will descend upon me and follow the famous author Carson everywhere with sedulous energy and not give me any peace and quiet.  In fact, I think my mentor Ollie will not be pleased with this at all. However, I am sure I am safe here, Read More

Off to Wichita

Off to Wichita For some reason, during the plane trip to Wichita, I kept thinking of the Glen Campbell song: The Wichita lineman. Although I was just a kid, and didn’t really understand the underlying meaning of the words, I loved the melody and I guess I just enjoyed hearing Glen sing it. It was actually about a telephone lineman —lonely for his girl back home, hoping to hear her on the line.  And Read More

A Few Picayune Observations About Physicians

I have to be careful because it’s considered poor taste to repeat oneself, but then, I have written 288 blog posts since 2014, and I have published five books on Amazon.  So, I guess it’s inevitable that I may repeat myself on paper, or at least display some recurrent themes, and for that, I have decided not to apologize, because maybe there is emphasis that needs to be made.   Did I tell Read More

Thanks to my Readers for Playing the “Where’s Ollie” Game

I would like to thank my loyal readers who took the extra time out of their busy lives to read my short blog posts and especially “The Guiness Calls and I Answer.” You diligently read the piece and searched for clues and I appreciate all the great guesses as to where the old guy was. All the guesses were good and were logical, but the old man is tricky. Ollie has taught me a lot about life, especially Read More

I Think I Found the Old Man

I know he wanted to get away, that’s obvious. It seems that his past, whatever that is, is catching up to him and he’s on the run. And yet, it’s hard for me to conceive that he’s running from anyone, especially after that time he outsmarted the Secret Service when he was invited to the oval office —unfortunately, that bought him a few days in jail in Washington, DC. The interesting thing is Ollie Read More

Asking my Readers: Does Anyone Know Where Ollie is?

Those of you who have read The Guinness Calls and I Answer, may notice that once again, Ollie is trying to communicate with me and tell me in a cryptic way, where he is. It seems he always wants me to figure it out, and never writes in his letter the city or location but expects me to find it. The last time he did this I ended up finding him in Nashville, dancing with young ladies at a honky-tonk bar and twirlin Read More

The Guinness Calls and I Answer

I knew I had to go back to the beach bar, but the danger was near now, and whoever it was who sent that opulent but tricky blonde probably had the place staked out 24 hours a day, looking for the old man. I knew Ollie would never come back—he lost his favorite watering hole and the few acquaintances he had.  But he would not lose me because I was part of him now—and perhaps he somehow grabbed a pi Read More

Should Physicians Still Examine Patients?

Many of my readers know me as Carson, the world-famous novelist and blog writer who must disguise himself in public, to avoid the paparazzi that follow me everywhere. A smaller sample of my readers believe that I am male underwear model, and these readers of course, are very special as long as they stay on their potent medications.  However, only the most astute readers who read every word and chew on Read More

Back to the Beach

Back to the Beach I must admit my life has become more complicated after I met this old man with Einstein hair on the beach. It was a simpler life, you know, with a busy medical practice, pretty decent health except for some crank knees that begged to be oiled with a can of liquid cartilage, and an occasional vacation.  I had no concept that on old man who walked with cane, could be so strong of mind, and Read More