Inspired in the Bedroom: Nightly Reads From S.R.Carson, Before, During, and After Romance

Large gaggles of people have been anxiously awaiting my next publication, and the good news, is the baby is soon going to be coming out of the oven! I have now sent this 270-page book to the publisher and it soon will be published in electronic and paper forms. Please stay tuned to my website for news on the publication date Be careful though when you read it.  Your inspiration may spring forward in Read More

Carson’s Special Gas Station

I was driving for hours and my ass hurt from sitting, my eyes were watering from staring down the lonely highway, and my shoulders were stiff from holding the wheel during dense traffic when hitting the cities, trying to avoid careless drivers, construction workers and various other obstructions. But then the adrenaline rush of city driving plummeted back to basal rates, once I got back on the freeway and let Read More

Washington Irving And Rejection

Washington Irving was considered America’s first writer.  He wrote mostly short stories, and some of you may remember that he wrote Rip Van Winkle and also The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.   I mention this not because I am a student of literary history, but that I noticed on my book shelf, a very old version of Irving’s The Sketchbook which contains the two famous stories above.  This old book Read More

She Loves to Cook

Although quite a few men have offered her marriage, or long – term relationships of various sizes and shapes, she prefers her independence, much to their dismay. If a man does not respect her independence, then she has no interest in him.  She likes to set her own schedule, create her own wealth, leave her panties and socks on the floor if she wants, leave dirty dishes sometimes,  run early in the morn Read More

His Snoring Can Be Heroic

Tommie and his wife Sara had just returned home from a week’s vacation in the islands and they were both exhausted from the travel, airports, packing, and flight delays.  Not only that, Tommie made them both get up an hour earlier than necessary to go to the airport, and they were there as usual, three hours early.  And of course, Tommie enjoyed his two tiny bottles of bourbon on the airplane, whic Read More

She Loves To Read

She Loves to Read She has a variety of interests in reading.  This includes history, historical fiction, a limited number of biographies, such as Lincoln and his early years, Einstein or Amelia Earhart, Nabokov, Camus, Robert Penn Warren, Ayn Rand, C.S. Lewis, Kafka, SRCarson, natural history and astronomy, how – to books on gardening, or cooking, page – turning fiction with complex characters, rom Read More

Never Quit

Warning: This is longer than my usual blog. So, I advise starting with a cup of coffee, or better yet, a shot of scotch. I gave up some years ago, not once but several times.  Maybe there were more times, I don’t know, but these are the four times that I remember, and now, they are stuck in my memory banks forever.  I can’t get rid of those memories, even though perhaps, they were not life changi Read More

She Loves to Drive

She knows only one speed, and that’s a speed that you have never come close to because you were afraid to try. She’s fast but never furious; speedy, but sure of herself and calmly confident in her skill. She has no time to waste, but sometimes she does slow down just to enjoy the scenery, yet unfortunately, the problem is that others can’t help but stare at her at the wheel —enjoying the scenery that s Read More

The Trout Whisperer (An Excerpt From My Upcoming Thriller: Blue Shadows)

Getty Images. He was always on time for group therapy, promptly at nine am although even though he thought therapy was generally a waste of time, he went so that he could keep his career.  Why listen to other people’s problems?  He knew what this was – nightmares and headaches, but more importantly…(had to leave this blank)             Read More

The Sleep Movement: Do as We Say or WOKE Up

Certainly, there have been and will continue to be many movements in our history.  For example, symphony movements, The Feminist Movement, Animal Rights Movement and of course the mandatory cleansing bowel movement. But here is what you need to know: You all need to WOKE up, rather, I mean wake up to the The Sleep Movement. Sleep is very important to our health and livelihood. The proper amount of good Read More