Old Photo Guess Contest

It is rare that I provide real photos that potentially show me for the world to see, because after all, once the paparazzi and ravenous reporters figure out who I am, they will descend upon me and follow the famous author Carson everywhere with sedulous energy and not give me any peace and quiet.  In fact, I think my mentor Ollie will not be pleased with this at all. However, I am sure I am safe here, and none of my loyal readers will be able to figure out who I am in these ancient photos.

I used to love to run, and this included track and cross-country teams in High School and college and road races later. These two photos are from my high school cross country team: one is when I was a sophomore and the other was when I was a senior.

I wonder if anyone will be successful in picking out S.R.Carson, the almost famous author to be?  By the way, there is only one person who absolutely knows the answer, because she is the one who sent me the old Newpaper clipping

Sorry, no hints, because I am confident, no one will figure out my young visage, especially since very few readers have met the author for real and certainly never did when he was in high school.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

6 thoughts on “Old Photo Guess Contest

  1. Carpe Diem. This reminds me of Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society as he hauntingly whispers to his students to seize the day and make their lives extraordinary as they gaze at old photos. I have a strong feeling that you, Dr. Carson, definitely understood Carpe Diem and seized your day. Hmmmm… After much study, top picture– you are front row 4th from left with big smile. Bottom picture— you are back row standing 4th from left. This was fun. Thanks for sharing a piece of your past. Your creativity breaks the mold again.

  2. First picture first row right in a middle and second picture second row right above the black guy.

  3. I think S.R.Carson is hiding in the top picture, front row 4th from left the guy with a smile what makes me totally melt, and second picture second row 3rd guy from right next to blond guy.

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