This is national nurses week and I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for all the fine nurses that I am honored to work with. Without question, nurses are special people for the care and dedication that they provide to these critically ill patients. And well, the nurses take care of me too, and make me more successful than I deserve.
And speaking of taking care of me, well, there was a delivery of “muffin tops” to one of the critical care nursing stations today. And the nurses were kind of enough to let me eat one of those delicious muffin tops even though I am not a nurse!
However, I would like to express my condolences to all the “muffin bottoms” that have been so ruthlessly discarded – cut off from the tops, sacrificing themselves for the glamourous and popular “muffin tops”.
That’s all I have to say right now.
Thank you! Reading you is like a breath of fresh air!
Appreciate that