Name My Plant

Never was very good with green living things that grow in the dirt and require water, fertilizer, pruning and weeding and such. In fact most things I plant in the ground die or barely flourish out of my neglect mostly. However, one plant my mother bought me years ago before she passed has flourished with eager greenness despite my intermittent care. Seems like nothing could destroy that wonderful thing. That is until last weekend when my cat decided to suddenly grow tired of it and attacked it with such vehemence that it fell to the floor from its pedestal, and when I came home from the hospital, he had torn off every leaf and stripped all remaining stems.

Don’t worry cat lovers, after a few choice words, I controlled myself and the cat lived to see another day unharmed.

Last April after I had a certain life-changing event, a friend brought me a nice plant – I think it’s a Eucalyptus species of some type, you know, like a jungle plant and I placed it in my office, next to my desk, near the window where it can soak up the sunshine. Beautiful broad leaves that shine, and I must admit I have only half neglected it. And thanks to my dedicated office staff, it is watered frequently, and I occasionally remember to put plant food in the soil.

Well what do you know, but the thing is flourishing, spreading its leaves across the face of the window, clearly searching for the life – giving sun and soaking up the water with glee. It seems like a happy plant when I look at it when I come to the office and well, it seems to give life to any dreariness that might creep in. But she keeps growing and maybe someday will take over the whole office and leaves will fall on my desk and the vines engulf my desk, eventually wrapping around me in the chair but you know, so be it! Kinda like Seymour in Little Shop of Horrors – feed me Seymour! She represents life to me and a new beginning in some ways, taking away the stuffy carbon dioxide in my private office and returning much needed oxygen. And more!

No wonder my office doesn’t smell as bad as it did in years past. I can even take my shoes off and the paint won’t peel off.

I love that plant, a plant that is so strong it has no enemies except for Koala bears, which if I’m not mistaken can’t be found outside of zoos and Australia.

What do you think I should name my plant that has given so much life?

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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