

Many who know me will say that it must be a miracle that I was able to learn how to fly airplanes and still live to tell about it. These same people believe it’s a miracle that I’ve been able to learn how to use a smart phone, kinda use text messaging, operate my own blog, use the new hospital electronic medical record without blowing it up, and of course, cook on my grill without burning the house and neighborhood down.

And of course, they’re all correct in their cursory analysis of me.

Yet how many people who know me understand the miracle I feel every morning when I wake up and enjoy the feeling of nice clear air flowing in and out of my lucky lungs?  Every day, I look out to the west and my eyes take permanent images of the majestic snow – capped mountain peak piercing the soft blue sky, unhindered by a single cloud, majestically claiming to all, that she is closest to God.  Yeah that never grows old.  Never.  Every time I take in that view, I realize how small I am in this world, but yet, not insignificant, if I can just muster the strength to make a difference to others.

How many people understand the beauty of a cup of hot coffee in the morning, some good music, the laughter of a friend or colleague, the joy of giving to someone something of yourself just because you can and you are there, and of course, the warm delicacy of a woman’s lips.

Yes, these are all miracles that I cannot forget and hope I won’t let myself forget.

For various reasons, multiple times in my life, I have found myself in life and death predicaments and luckily, I have survived.  Most of us have had similar experiences and I am certainly not unique at all.  But there is one day on April 10.2013 that truly was a miracle and God chose to put me in a position where the best, brightest and most loving people descended upon me to save me, when unquestionably, I wouldn’t have survived in any other place or time.

And what did I learn from this?  God blessed me with another chance on life and a large dose of humility and love.  That’s right, He taught me the lesson that I didn’t quite understand apparently, and that is, nothing matters but love.  Nothing.

 Enjoy life my friends because it is a precious gift.

I understand now.


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