“We need to start cleaning up the fat and waste and use our personnel and resources for more important National Security Issues. I called you here today gentleman, to discuss some options that have been brought to our attention from representatives here today from the CIA, NSA, DIA as well as Homeland Security. Thank you for coming, ladies and gentleman.”
The five representatives simply nodded, then sipped their steamy Starbucks, almost in unison, hoping the meeting would be over soon so they could go back to their respective offices to push some papers and promote their agendas to please their bosses. This was going to be simple, compared to other tasks they had on their plates today.
“You all have the packets in front of you, and as always, they will be turned in at the end of the meeting and destroyed. The first order of business is removing the security details and security clearances of Intel officers who no longer are active, and just sucking on the tit of the government and exerting political harm with their dripping noses. Are there any arguments about the 55 names that are listed for our review?”
“Well director,” said the CIA representative. “This should’ve been done long ago, but you know, our hands were tied. I have no problems with any of these names. They serve no useful purpose and are political hacks who don’t care about our country —just their own asses and bank accounts.”
The DIA representative chimed in. “It’s a no brainer on our end, for sure. Let’s get it done.”
The other two were silent, and nodded their heads in agreement.
“Well, that was easier than I thought. But I do have one individual we need to talk about. It’s this old man they call Ollie, or maybe he calls himself that, I don’t know. Apparently, he has no real name, nobody knows. He’s had shadow men we pay to keep eyes on him at all times, and our records say this has been going on since the Eisenhower administration and none of you were born yet. I submit that 70 years of employing ex-special operators to shadow this old disabled guy is a waste of precious resources, and I am going to recommend his shadow men should be removed.”
“Who’s Ollie?” said the NSA representative.
Three of the sub-directors laughed at this, and the only one who didn’t laugh was the director of Military Intelligence (DIA, Defense Intelligence Agency). He didn’t think it was a laughing matter, that was obvious. He was a two-star, in his late 60s, and they were putting pressure on him to retire.
“Do any of you know who this Ollie is or what he does or why he may be a valuable asset to our U.S. interests at this time? Anyone?”
They all looked at each other and said, “We have never met him, but have heard a few stories, like he was a badass in his day and served in various branches and governmental agencies, and apparently knew more presidents than any of us can list.”
More chuckles.
“Yeah, said the director. No one quite knows all his details, now, after all these years and purges of records and papers that have occurred. Apparently, there are a few records still available, but they are locked and sealed and cannot be released except by the President. It’s called the 100-year rule, as you all know. Anyway, I think we need to remove his Shadow Man detail permanently, and restrict his access to agencies and Washington, and let the old man live his life, what’s left of it, without any of us sticking our noses in it. After all, the last president couldn’t stand the old guy after some shenanigans he played with some religious stuff. It won’t save us much money but just seems like a waste of valuable resources. Any objections?”
They all agreed with the director except one, the general from the DIA. “I think it’s a mistake, Jim.”
“He’s a national treasure. We know very little about him, but that is on purpose. He is the most knowledgeable man with the sharpest skills we have ever seen, and he cannot be replaced. No operative half his age, can compete with him.”
“What the hell do you mean Rick? He’s over 100 and he walks with a damn hook cane and can’t hurt a fly. “
“Wrong. The reason Shadow men were called into service years ago, were to shadow highly trained elite operatives and agents who had experienced and participated in the most secret missions known, with a knowledge of information that could not be communicated to general public. The shadow men exist simply to make sure the individual did not release any information to the public, by mistake, about any details of missions. But in his case, I think we should keep these men for him. He may not be in any active missions at this age but I don’t think it will cost us much to keep these guys so they can keep tabs on this valuable asset. They do not defend him, unless they have to. They are just around.”
“Ha. Do you remember the event at Arlington National Cemetery last year when this old man attacked the Hamas protestors in front of the cemetery, and after beating the shit out of several with his cane, he was taken to the ground but our shadow men had to pick him up and then call in the Blackhawks to rescue him?”
“Yeah, we were briefed on that incident. He is a fearless patriot.”
“We don’t need to shadow him anymore Rick. You are in the minority and you are overruled. We are revoking his Shadow men and security access.”
“Mistake. Big mistake. We will be weaker, but my guess is the Shadow men will revolt.”
“Huh? You’re out of your mind. We’re putting the 103-year-old guy out to pasture to live his last days and have some fun. He deserves it, it seems.”
“Don’t count on it.”
“From what I heard, he doesn’t believe in going out to pasture or being useless. This is the wrong decision, Jim.”
“The rest of us disagree, and the main thing is I disagree. My decision stands.”
© 2025 SRCarson Publications
oh I’m already burning with impatience to find out… whether people will put up Ollie’s shadows or not.. but I doubt it.. I think they’ll still keep an eye on him.. my guess..
I agree with the Director of Military Intelligence. Big mistake to take away Ollie’s protection. Trimming the fat is one thing, but slicing the country’s throat is another. A lot of enemy entities would love to get their hands on Ollie. And nobody messes with Ollie!! Now Ollie must go rogue. Great twist in this rollercoaster ride. Can’t wait to see Ollie’s next move. Creative, brilliant writing once again. Enjoyed this one.