Inspiration Sucked Into The Black Hole


Except for a few reviews of my books that I posted on my blog, I haven’t written a genuine blog piece since May 4.  Shame on me.  Not a very good blogger am I?  I’m told to increase readership and interest in my books I must post several times weekly with interesting content.  Hell, for that matter I’m supposed to brush my teeth three times daily and floss daily as well, pull weeds in my yard and pick up the dirty socks on my floor.  But that doesn’t happen with any regularity either basically because I am the king of my house, that is, when the cat is asleep.  I’m lucky if I can just complete my day, scrounge up something to eat and do the dishes before passing out.

So, I’m sorry if I’ve disappointed my loyal readers.  But I will make a comeback, when, I don’t know.  You see, it’s not really writer’s block as writers describe because writer’s block refers to the fact that you are supposed to write or you are expected to write for a deadline or to make someone else happy, but the words don’t flow, in fact they don’t even ooze or drip.

No, I write fiction or non-fiction when the following occurs:  1) I am inspired. 2) My eyelids don’t require taping to keep them open.  I write not because I have to write, but instead, I write when I want to write and tell a story to share with people or to share interesting life experiences.  My last inspiration, as is often the case, occurred in church when some guy wore a stupid beret that set me off.  Yes, I’ve gone to church since then, but haven’t thought of anything that is near worthy of publication. I am at peace in church however, communing with God even if men wear hats.  Of course, I’ve tried the trusty bars, and this may sound absurd, but believe it or not, the wine isn’t even helping.  I threw out nearly 200 white bar napkins with worthless scrabble (combination of scribble and babble).

So instead, I’ve become a raving readaholic.  I’ve been voraciously consuming multiple books of varied genres over the last months, many of which are partially read as I excitedly go from book to book. So, in the interest of transparency, unlike our elected officials in Washington, I am publishing the books that have stolen me away from writing for some time:

1)      The Bible

2)      Plato and Platypus Walked Into a Bar.  ( a re – read for more laughs and philosophy review)

3)      The Dancing Wu – LI Masters.  And yes, I finally understand Black Holes and space/time/mass/energy.  Well maybe just a little.

4)      The Dolmen

5)      A Alchemy of Mind ( re – read)

6)      Hell Hawks

7)      Winston Churchill.  His 1953 diary of the war years.

8)      Cyber Warfare

9)      Albert Einstein

10)   Why Us?

11)   American Sniper

12)   Medical Journals

13)   Get Out of The Left Lane!

Well actually there are more, waiting to be read, but once my mind’s thirst is quenched and creativity flexed I might start my second novel.  Or maybe I won’t.  But if I do, it will be explosively inspired to entertain as well as uplift the reader.


So tell me, has anyone else also had their inspiration sucked into a Black Hole?



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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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