I Received a Letter from Ollie: There is Hope

I haven’t heard from him in a few weeks, and for some reason I was worried about him, but then why should I worry?  It seems from what I can gather from the tidbits of information he tosses at me, he is either at the bar, the beach, or church, and that he’s been through a lot in his life, but still comes through relatively unscathed, but then, it’s difficult to know exactly what’s in his 106-year-old head.  The last I saw him was in Church some weeks ago, when he inspired the congregation with a bible verse that taught us to have courage in the face of evil.

He’s probably on a beach, drinking beer at a local bar, and the shadow men make sure he doesn’t get too close to anyone.

And then I received a letter today. In the postal mail, a paper letter with a postmark from Disney World Florida!  Yes, Disney World.

Dear Carson:

I hope my letter finds you well, my writer friend, and I am sure you looked at the postmark first before you opened it.  I hate emails, and well, they aren’t very safe anymore because well, people look for ways to find mine, but they don’t.  So, I love writing on paper, from various locations, and in this case, Disney World.  Well, not really Disney World because the shadow men are good at getting my letters postmarked in various cities than I am not in presently, you know, for protection.  But I do like riding on the Space Mountain ride.

I wanted you to know that I am safe, and doing well in life, and I am enjoying a bit of soothing relaxation and isolation in various locations, cold Guinness when I am thirsty, but I do think about events in the world and despite everything that I’ve been through in my life, and the evil I have defeated, I am particularly concerned about the state of the world at this moment.

The Queen of England just passed.  I met her some twenty years ago, and she was quite charming and elegant, and she gave me a medal of some type for helping the British in certain ways. I don’t know where that medal is now, but I appreciated it.  It’s a sad day, but then, I always felt that she should have given up her crown years ago, to her son, maybe twenty years ago when she was a young 76, and not let her age drag on and on without spending special time traveling the world with Phillip before he died.  She did well for Britain, all in all, but Britain, I must say, would’ve likely done better with someone younger and more vibrant on the throne some years ago. Yeah, I know what you are thinking. I am a little on the older side as well, older than she was, but remember what I said before that my minutes are gifts?

My concern is about the destruction of my country from within.  I know all our international enemies, who want us defeated, simply because of who we are, and our freedoms and ideals. But I knew our downfall would come from within.  Our honorable culture has deteriorated, crime is now considered by some tolerable, because criminals are oppressed for some reason, and that prisons should be emptied for some idiotic agenda that I cannot comprehend.  People use the word racism for no reason except to achieve some type of advantage over the other person, or to destroy. There is not skin color, just quality of people and their souls, but our children are now taught that skin color is number one rather than the quality of the person.  No longer do we respect the opinion of others, especially on college campuses, but instead, free speech must be shut down. Thinking and careful thought is not allowed, especially if it is against the popular narrative.

You see, the priorities for too many people now are wrong, naïve and destructive.  Young people today do not know how good they have it compared to other countries, and these little flower children who are afraid of words they don’t like, are too fragile to defend our country that needs to be defended. But there is something that bothers me even more:

Too many have forgotten about God the father and his son Jesus, and for that reason, evil is creeping in as easy as a gushing river full of mud, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to stop this torrent without significant intervention before it is too late.  You see, the world is now beaucoup dien cai-dau.

I don’t want to scare you Carson, because I know you are an optimist by nature from what I have seen, but I want you to be strong, fight the good fight and I want you to know this:  I will come back.  I am not sure when, but I will come back at the best time to be the most effective I can be to fight for good and the America I used to know.  And my healer, writer friend, I have chosen you to help me.

Right now, the Guinness is calling me, and I will answer gladly.



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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

6 thoughts on “I Received a Letter from Ollie: There is Hope

  1. Yes, the departure of the queen was expected .. but it seems the whole world has shuddered goodbye era … Ollie talks about his country about the loss of true ideals, and I’m sure that all readers, like me, will see their countries in them .. and sad from this realization .. Looking forward to more news from Ollie

  2. Oh the written word has changed the hearts of men and undoubtedly altered the course of history, Ollie is a man of character and principal who seems In conflict with the reasons why he so bravely served
    Our country. The freedoms he so bravely fought to ensure are now weaponized to punish and humiliate the ones who do not blindly follow the social norms that seem to be imposed on us by celebrities and media. Wonderful blog that not only informs us of how our hero Ollie is doing , but asks us to question what do we the readers cherish and hold dear and are willing to fight for? Thank you Carson!!

  3. Yes, I agree with all of Ollie’s views. We are watching our beloved America that so many fought and died for spiral quickly downward. I am sad. Thank you for Ollie’s brave words. We need more brave writers like you Dr. Carson! Never stop writing!! You are our brave voice.

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