I Felt The Grip of Death


Death’s grip started with excruciating pain, but then, eventually faded into  peaceful bliss.  I didn’t have time to say goodbye to anyone because death would not wait for my wishes.  I wasn’t ready, but it didn’t matter; it was happening no matter what.


Death came to me, ready or not.   I touched him and felt the terrible burn, but at the same time, enjoyed the blissful wave of peace within my soul.  I heard the words around me, uttered by people I knew and worked with, the words of struggle between life and death that few people will ever hear and understand.  But I was filled with calm.


And when I awoke and grabbed the breath of life back into my lungs again, the love of others overcame me.  I realized that nothing else in life matters but love.  Nothing.  Once again, I would be able to walk through the pine forest after a fresh rain, listening to the waterfall crash onto the rocks below and wonder at the beauty of the bald eagle soaring above.  I would once again feel the warm lips of a woman.


How lucky I was to enjoy life again!   You see, God decided to send heroic angels to save me.  There is no other explanation.  In my profession, I have been lucky to have saved some lives over the years, but I understand that those skills are only possible through the grace of God.  Thank you God.


Over the years, I listened to the words of the preachers in church, about the love of God, and the grace of God and that is all that matters.  But they were just words that sounded good, but didn’t have a real meaning to me, until now.   Without question, they mean everything to me in my new life. Those words I now understand to the point that they are the food that I eat and the breath that keeps my cells alive.  It took an actual near death experience for me to realize that I was blind for all these years, almost ignoring the truth that was gently placed before me.


It’s simple, really.  Nothing else matters in life but love.  I got it. I feel it.  I breathe it.  But most importantly, there is much that I must give back to the world.





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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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