I apologize. Kinda

Unfortunately, my ability to respond to your emails has been delayed, now proceeding at break neck pace.  Well, maybe not that fast, but I am responding as best I can.  If you don’t receive a response to the ones you have sent over the last few months, email me again and if you don’t yell, I’ll try to respond.

But in general, if you don’t receive a response from here on out to emails within 1 to 2 weeks then several possibilities come to mind:  1) I am so damn busy I forgot to eat and went right to bed and therefore responding to emails about my blog is the last thing on my fried mind.  2) I am so confused, I am incabable of putting the words together in coherent fashion  (unlikely unless I have been dragged off to a bar somewhere by some aggressive blog fans and forced to enjoy some tasty libations). 3) Your words are so eloquent and charming that my words just can’t measure up.  4)  You are completely illogical and therefore not worth my time.  5) You are shoving nasty words at me and therefore no response is needed unless I want to blow you away with bloviation. 6)  I forgot to check email.

Seriously though, my loyal readers, I appreciate you and I am trying.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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