Home Alone, Part Deux




Please re – read Part I and recall the gentle breeze brushing my warm lips before caressing my eager nose with a luscious scent of classy perfume… satin ladies reappearing and the peacefulness overcoming my exhausted cells…the visit by the police…


About three am, I woke up suddenly, startled by a noise at the computer in my study, possibly an email notification or IM buzz.  Memory of the perfume scent re entered my mind, so I went to the windows to try to catch that breeze again, but it was gone unfortunately.  Curious about the noise at the computer that continued to annoy me, I sat down at my desk in front if the computer, rubbed my sleepy eyes and saw an IM notification for a contact:  “Serene Wind”.  There was no text associated with it or greeting.  Who was this Serene Wind?  Then I looked on face book and found a new “like” – Serene Wind, and the face book page for Serene Wind had no text entry, just a photograph of an eagle in flight with a sparrow riding on its back. Was that SRCarson’s eagle?  Should I accept the IM request for a friend?  Clearly not a good idea to accept an IM friend that you don’t know; it could be dangerous or a fraud scheme of some kind.  How did this person find me?

I deleted the contact, turned off the computer and dragged myself back to bed.  But before I got in, I detected that sultry perfume scent again.  Where was it coming from?  I had to find out or I wouldn’t find peace.  It wasn’t coming from the bedroom window breeze anymore, so I went back to the study and found the scent rising directly from the chair seat in front of my computer.  Funny, I didn’t detect it a few minutes before.  Goosebumps rippled up my naked legs and down my arms when the realization hit that someone did enter my house last night.  I assumed it was a woman due to the scent.  Was she hiding somewhere in the house, playing games with me?  If so, that would explain why my cat was hiding all the time now.  Or maybe, it wasn’t a woman at all.   What did this woman want and why was she in my house not showing herself?  Was it a ghost or was I beginning to suffer auditory hallucinations and a psychiatric consult was now necessary?

Thor, my cat, let out a loud hiss that grew deeper and more menacing; a sound I had never heard him make before.  It sounded like it was coming from downstairs in the basement, so I grabbed my flashlight in my left hand, .357-magnum revolver in the right hand and descended the stairway in my birthday suit.  No time to put clothes on and lose the element of surprise.  While keeping the flashlight in front of me, I surveyed the lower level and found my cat’s eyes with their reflection back to me.  He was crouched as if ready to pounce right in front of the furnace room door – and the hideous hissing started again.  This cat was not a fearless lion by any means of the imagination, but he wouldn’t budge from the door.  I stood there in front of the door, naked, realizing that t was a mistake not to have my cell phone handy to call 911, but I had my .357 and figured 911 wouldn’t help me if things got nasty because it would be over quick.  I quietly pulled back the hammer on the revolver, positioned myself flat against the wall to avoid full detection before violently pushing the door open, then…to be continued…


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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