Home Alone, Grand Finale…Maybe

The jackhammer pounding of my heart forced the blood into my carotid and temporal arteries, and it was all I could do to keep my body from jerking with each pulse, thus giving away my location to the intruder that the police couldn’t find.  I called upon my military survival training to control my breathing and concentrate totally on completing my task successfully.  My index finger gingerly remained in the trigger housing of my .357 magnum.  In the unlikely event that the intruder was able to disarm me, I entered into my Krav Maga fighting stance to prepare for possible hand to hand combat. A roundhouse kick easily smashed the door open and I entered the furnace room, gun pointed in the only area he could be hiding, but I saw nothing. Adrenaline pumped throught my arteries while my breath heaved in and out like bellows.  Where was he?

Then I smelled it; the heavenly perfume took control of my shaking body, immediately soothing my hammering heart.  I discerned the soft silhouette of a human form floating toward me, and I stood frozen while she approached me.  Her feet hovered effortlessly above the concrete floor while her feminine form flowed through the air like a prima ballerina.  Her face appeared in front of mine while her hands caressed my neck and head.  Goosebumps invaded every inch of my skin. I desperately tried to talk, but couldn’t utter a single word.

My revolver fell to the floor and I felt her breath softly play with my ear, and she said, “Carson, it’s Kim.  Don’t be afraid honey.  We never had a chance to say goodbye.  I love you, my hero, and I’m at peace now that you’re safe.”  I reached out to touch her lips and in an instant, she was gone.

I frantically searched the room, my arms flailing around trying to find her, but to no avail.  A silent calm took over my heart.  I picked up my trembling Thor and walked up to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of bourbon.  It coated my throat with a warmth that matched the feeling in my heart that moment.  My beautiful Kim came back to me after all these years.  I smiled, soothed my now playful cat, and relished the pleasant memories flooding my moist eyes.

Years ago, I was suddenly sent on a secret deployment, and we only enjoyed a few moments together before they came to get me.  I learned later that she developed an aggressive disease that took her life before I could come home to see her.  We never said goodbye, until now.  Yes, it was Kim, my young love, and after seeing her perfect smile, I knew she was finally happy and at peace.

From that moment on, I always leave the bedroom window open a little, even in the cold winter, allowing her perfumed spirit to caress my soul whenever she wishes.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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