Headline: “Wine soaked tongue inspires fingers to type”

But then, if the gorgeous red I’m drinking is so effective in making my fingers fly on the keyboard, why is my mind drawing a blank? I’ve only enjoyed half a glass. So far. Sure, I’ve written about what inspires my writing, you know – doodling in church, writing on cocktail napkins at the bar, and trying to remember my stimulating ideas while swimming laps. But maybe all of this is wrong. It’s the red wine opening up the flow of my thought spigot. Problem is the wine aint’ doin it’s job tonight. No thoughts at all. At least none fit enough present to the discriminating public. Yes, actually, that means you.

After reviewing all the pieces I posted on my blog since May, after my event, I found it hard to believe I posted sixty – two pieces of word vomit. Don’t know, maybe some of it was good, a little bit entertaining at times, and sometimes spiritual. Or maybe all of it was garbage, but if on those rare occasions when I can move you and inspire you, then I am successful.

Sixty-two posts since May 2013? Let’s see, some of my writing included an elk, a hummingbird, a monster cat, Father’s day, My first love, Bar inspiration, flying to near death while feeling God, French wine, Grocery Store babbling, fat men watching, Neil Diamond, Bumper sticker baloney, runners and wanna be runners, beach ladies in the land that time forgot, flying, corvettes and cute puppies, heroic snoring and wine pairings, a symphony that brought tears to my eyes, an elevator named Ellen who gives massages to her occupants, miracles, clichés, Clint Eastwood lingo, Kama Sutra movie, “To Love with Hate” Scenes, Hurricanes and cheerleaders, people who have inspired me, nothing matters but love, and of course, God.


But I’m still blank. Do you think I’ll be able to come up with something new or did I dip all the water out of the well of creativity? Perhaps another glass of wine will help – or maybe, it will just come to me when I least expect it.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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