Happy 2014


Thank you, my readers for your support in 2013, my debut year in blogging!   While I have much to learn on social media and blogging, I hope I have entertained you with my words and inspired you with some of the stories.  Clearly, not all will enjoy each piece, and for that reason, I vary the content and style and I get a kick out of that. Sometimes, I just crack up laughing when I write some of these posts, and other times I choke up.

I understand that 2013 was a turning point in my life, and I hope to channel this change within to the words I write, and you can be assured that I will continue to deliver content for you to read in 2014 and beyond.

I have made only one New Year’s resolution because the peaceful feeling I own in my soul is not a resolution, but more like the calming sound of ocean waves breaking on the beach, despite the chaos swirling around us.

Here is the resolution:  I resolve to publish my novel, To Love with Hate in 2014.


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