God Bless America: Celebrate the Diversity of Coexist Stickers on Subaru Cars

wfoem6plmtsmn2j6ll8q[1]While this piece is basic satire, that’s what it is and nothing more. What I say here is partly for entertainment purposes and also my personal opinion about certain things. Any reference to the Subaru car company is of course fictitious and just meant to be humorous.  If you disagree, good. That means I was effective in exposing your puny little sensitivities.  Oh and by the way, if you disagree with me, I respect that completely, even if you are wrong, but I will never call you a racist for simply having a different opinion.  Never.

Okay, if you drive a Subaru or you sport a coexist sticker on it you are warned that this piece may offend you.  And rightly so, because you drive a nondescript, boring car and are therefore ripe for being offended frequently and vociferously.  It’s just like if you wore black knee socks and penny loafers to baseball game, then wore a sticker on your baseball cap with a coexist sign on it and a pink t shirt that said, hot dogs are made from cute slaughtered pigs and beer drinking supports Anheuser Bush which ruthlessly kills innocent young hops and barley plants.  Well, that’s a lot to put on a baseball cap and T shirt, but if you are fat enough because you eat lots of hot dogs when hiding in the comforts of your own mansion, it’s possible. But you know what I mean. If you wore that crap to a baseball park, you would be beat up in the men’s and also the women’s bathroom several times.  And of course, that would be expected.

Back to the subject at hand. I’m not a fan of bumper stickers at all, and would never put one on my car no matter what, so that’s why I write on blogs or pen novels; I communicate using methods other than defacing an innocent car. I may even talk to you in person, face to face, or maybe even on the phone, depending on the circumstance of course.

But why is it then that nearly 85% of all the Coexist or Celebrate Diversity  bumper stickers seem to be on the back bumpers of turtle speed Subaru cars? Is it a coincidence? To be fair, there are some Subaru things without those stickers, but once you’ve seen one they all look the same. Perhaps, some of these aforementioned stickers get misplaced somehow on other cars, maybe Volvos or Toyotas, but generally speaking, Subaru cars lead the charge. In fact, the Subaru Company will now automatically place Coexist and Celebrate Diversity stickers on their new car production line as factory installed equipment, no extra cost as a marketing bonus to their loyal customers.  In fact, in order to fully celebrate the diversity so that we can coexist peacefully and therefore not offend anyone in the world with our brutal, savage Constitutional basis of American freedom and our nasty old Bill of Rights, these stickers are now made exclusively by Islamic terrorists in Guantanamo Bay Cuba (the few that haven’t been released to fight us again by our emperor in chief, Mr. O) so that they can feel special and needed, coexisting in our world of peace and love. Some misguided Americans believe we are guilty and our horrible, oppressive American way of life triggered these attacks. Bullshit. You people need to get your heads out of the sand now before the ISIS  terrorists come and behead you in the sand while you try to coexist with them.

And yes, of course, there are good Muslims in the world. Absolutely. But where are you? We can’t hear you. Speak up now and fight against those of your own religion who are giving you a bad name.

I want us all to get along together in this world, enjoy peace, love and happiness, but it just won’t happen and the truth is, people still want to kill us after we give them a handout or treat them with respect. Evil exists! Bumper stickers help nothing and they make the car look even uglier.

I am a peaceful man and I am a Christian, and I worship God and his son Jesus Christ. Christianity is a religion based on peace, love and forgiveness through the grace of God. I respect the rights of all people to practice their own religions and I respect all races because let’s face it, we are all God’s people. But I don’t need to have Coexist or Celebrate Diversity stickers flashing at my face when I drive, because our country is certainly one of the most tolerant, diverse and fair countries in the world, and I am lucky and proud to be a citizen of the United States of America.. It seems to me, the people who use these stickers are simply trying to make themselves feel better inside somehow, to fill a certain emptiness inside that they need to replenish themselves. They in fact, are lucky to live here in America but they don’t seem to understand.

Our military fights to preserve their freedom to express themselves in any way they wish.

God Bless America!

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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