Four Years Ago or Was It Yesterday?



I’m amazed to think it’s been 4 years since I received my wonderful gift of continued life. The mortality rate for this event was 90%, but I was surrounded by earth angels who saved my life without hesitation and with superb skill, and in fact, I am lucky to see several of them frequently when I work in the ICU.

My fear is that I will forget about this gift as I go through the business of life, and take it for granted, or worse – falter and lose sight of what this heavenly gift may have meant to me personally.  It took me a while later to finally understand.  Nothing matters but love.

Every day I am reminded of this when I work in my chosen profession and realize that even if I am taken from this life today, I must somehow try to make a little difference for others, even when I am weak and the energy seems to have been bled out of me.

I am blessed.  By God.


© SRCarson 2017

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

3 thoughts on “Four Years Ago or Was It Yesterday?

  1. Thank you for your transcription of such an extreme experience into these simple and genuine words.

    Gratefulness is the continuing gift it seems.

    And I am reminded of this, from Le Petit Prince : “On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux”.

    Voici pour toi tous mes vœux de douceur et de santé.

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    Mais la qualité mérite sans doute plus de nombre…cf. email re: if you are looking for a successful marketing agent ; )

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