Doctors Are People Too (Put De Lime in De Coconut)

Shock Doc Writer

Doctors Are People Too

Well most doctors are people I think.  A few scattered ones are robots or automatons who have been manufactured in medical schools and residency programs with programmed “skill chips” that drive the doctor – tron to perform his or her highly specialized skills on whatever body is presented, no questions asked.  That of course, requires the least cognitive effort but potentially maximal gain or benefit, because let’s face it: all human bodies are the same and therefore, what could go wrong with basic science and technology?  I must emphasize that it is rare, but others unfortunately, think they are God or a close resemblance because basically, they do walk on massive expanses of H2O and their success is to be expected when you are lucky enough to be in the same room as they are. Engaging you in conversation can occur sometimes but you’re not allowed to look them in the eyes for more than five seconds without being turned into a pillar of salt.

Since I abhor clichés, I’ll use some silly ones to make a shock point: What I described in the first paragraph with a boot in my mouth and finger up my nose is rare and is not meant to downgrade the lofty profession that I love.  I am honored to practice with many superb human beings who also are highly trained and effective physicians.  I am humbled by them constantly while I learn tidbits from their experiences that I can apply eagerly to my own patients. And yes, they all talk to patients respectfully and with dignity. But I think we need to listen to this classic piece to understand the lofty profession that we must work hard to preserve and honor:

I am proud to say I am a physician and I am honored to be a part of the medical profession.  I can’t think of a more rewarding career that while it carries a load of heavy responsibility, hard work and devastating disappointments, the rewards are too copious to be measured.  Just the other day, out of the pale blue, a patient and his wife came to my office after a long evaluation resulted in a surgical procedure and the subsequent treatment was beginning to work when all else seemed doomed to failure.  They both stood up individually, hugged me warmly and both said they loved me.  I didn’t expect that at all, and certainly didn’t think I deserved that for just doing my job.

No, I’m not God, not remotely close.  But I do believe in God.  You see, I have nearly died on multiple occasions, the last one about 1.5 years ago was very close and it changed me.  I’m still the same doctor with the same knowledge base and skill set, but I know God gave me a second chance, so I’m not afraid to tell about it.  Frankly, I find spiritual words now flowing from my mouth easily when I am with patients and families in critical situations, and I feel his presence and my prayer allows him to guide me in my weakness.

I don’t proselytize; I am just comfortable with my own spirituality and thankful for the blessings and skills that God has bestowed on me.

And if a patient says Grandma told them they should take a lime in a coconut and mix’em both up because it cures what ails ya, I’ll listen, because hell, they may be right.



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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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