Cross between Clint Eastwood and Dr. House? Who is Wyatt Barton?


This novel is a great murder mystery

This novel is a great murder mystery! I loved the characters, specifically Wyatt and Katherine. Wyatt is the perfect hero. He’s tough, devoted, hard-working…he’s a cross between Clint Eastwood and Dr. House.
As for his ex-wife, Katherine quickly made it on my top ten list of awesome villains. This lady is a trip! “I hope you die, Wyatt, but I do love you.” That kind of crazy stuff. It’s clear that the author did his homework on borderline personality disorders. Not only did he show a good representation of the diagnosis, but his knowledge of medical procedures was impressive! This made for a strong, believable story.
Overall, S.R. Carson weaved a brilliant tale of mystery, romance and suspense that kept me guessing until the very end. You’ll never guess who really did it!
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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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