Corvettes and cute puppies



Ok readers, I know it’s been awhile but I’m back.  Before I get into today’s critically important topic, I must mention that perhaps in a month or so, I’ll publish a short story digitally that you can buy in my store on  Basically it will be a story about heroes and angels.  As far as my novel, it’s stuck in the quicksand of editing, and I’m re –writing some scenes and adding some others.  So, sorry for the delay, but I had no idea novel writing was such a pain in the behind.


As they said on the Monty Python show, “Now for something completely different”:


The fact is I’ve always wanted to drive a fast sports car, like most red – blooded American men, in fact I owned one many years ago.  It was completely impractical, but it sure was fun to fly, I mean drive.  Loved how it just leaped into turbo in third gear.  Man I loved that car, almost as much as my first love, you know, the airplane, and as you recall she was sexy as hell.


So now that the years have passed, I‘ve become more practical and although I drive a nice car, it’s not a hot sport scar.  As luck would have it, a few weeks ago I jumped at the opportunity to drive a new white corvette convertible for four days in my old stomping ground of southern California.  She was sleek and sexy and since she was low to the ground, she requires the driver to be quite flexible to get inside her cockpit.  Yes, I said cockpit again, because you see,  once I got that nasty thing over 100 mph, I felt like I was transported back to my old flying days, keeping my hands from automatically lifting back on the stick, I mean steering wheel, prior to lift off into the blue stillness.  But alas, she stayed solidly on the ground, but what was interesting is that while I slowed down on the streets of the city, all heads turned to look at me, er, I mean the Vette.  And the women – well, they nearly experienced whiplash turning around to stare as I drove by. And yes, I still have hair, and it was blowing back and forth in the warm summer breeze with the top down.  But of course I knew it was the car, damn it, or did they wonder about the personality or background of the guy driving it?  Was he a famous athlete?  A movie star out for fun in one of his fast cars rather than his Rolls?   Or was he just an average Joe borrowing someone else’s car?  Who knows what they were thinking but of course it was about the car, not me.


Interestingly, while I drove slowly through the city shopping market area, I noticed a throng of tanned, attractive ladies just back from a day at the beach.  Seems they were crowded around a middle aged man walking two cute little golden retriever puppies.  It was like a hive of bees sticking on a jar of dripping honey.  So I passed by them in my hot Corvette and not one of them turned to look.


In conclusion, I learned that cute puppies trump Corvettes hands down when it comes to catching the eye of a lady.  It became clear to me then that in order to provide a completely irresistible attraction, I needed to go to the pet store and buy some puppies to place in the passenger seat of the Corvette. No woman could possibly resist that right?    Perhaps I could start a “Corvette with Puppies” rental service for guys who want to meet ladies.  Despite these observations I’ve made about what catches a lady’s attention, I’m not that shallow.  Just an observation.


I realize that I may have given an aggressive entrepreneur an idea for a new business, and if so, I would like a percentage of the profits.  Although a Corvette is a blast to drive, I don’t need a hot car and puppies to build up my ego or attract a woman.  I believe in myself, drive a nice car that’s practical and safe, and I have confidence in what I do in life.  I don’t care what women think of my car or whether I have cute puppies.  If she doesn’t enjoy my company because of who I am rather than what I drive then I’m not interested.  On the other hand, if this fails, then it’s good to have a secret weapon or two.



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