Cliche Madness

Jerry dated Annie for six months, and she finally smartened up and dumped him. He was clueless about women and how they should be treated, especially in a relationship. He needed some beers to wash down the pain. He met his old friend Carl at the bar, a place where the ladies went to show off their tight jeans or short skirts and heels while the men dreamed of impressing them enough to make a score.

“Second relationship I blew in the last six months,” said Jerry.

“You’re just a babe in the woods, man. You don’t know anything about women,” said Carl.
“What would you know Carl Casanova? You’ve been staring at that redhead over there swirling her chocolate martini all night. You’re barking up the wrong tree if you think you have a chance with her. You don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell to make a score.”

“Can’t teach an old dog new tricks, I guess. Hell, you sure have a chip on your shoulder for a guy who can’t keep his women happy. It think you need to get back on the horse once you fall off.”

“I bet you I’ll get her phone number before the end of the night, leaving you high and dry.”

“Yeah right. Once in a blue moon. If that happens it will be a real Kodak moment, but I think I’ll have to keep you on a short leash before you fall on your face big guy. I know you like the back of my hand and that’s why I don’t think she’ll even give you a minute of her time.”

“My past failures with women are just water under the bridge. There’s a lot of fish in the sea, so I need to take the bull by the horns and show you how it’s done.”

“Get out of Dodge.”

“I’ve got my secrets on how to pick up women that I’m sure you’d like to know, but I’m keeping my cards close to my vest.”

“Actions speak louder than words so you better take the bull by the horns before it’s past your bedtime.”

Jerry walked over to the redhead, talked to her for about ten minutes; she smiled and wrote down her number on a napkin. Smiling ear to ear, he went back to Carl and showed him the napkin.
“See, I told you I’d get her number. You lost sucker. That’s the way the ball bounces.”
“Seems I need to keep you on a short leash. I suggest you call that number to see if she pulled the old bait and switch on you, Bud.
She left and she smiled as Jerry waved at her. After a half hour, he trembled while he took his friend’s suggestion and called the number she gave him on the napkin. It was crunch time
“Hello, Giovanni’s Pizza! What can we make for you tonight?”


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