About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

Beach Ladies in the Land That Time Forgot

  If you’ve already spent a precious 22 seconds reading the “About SRCarson” section of my blog, you’ll already remember that I grew up in Southern California fantasyland.  Not to belabor the point, but I ate, drank and slept surfing when I was a young man:  Malibu, Huntington Beach and Seal beaches got my trunks wet the most often.  So I can imagine that it comes as a surprise to you that I’m wr Read More

Another excerpt from “To Love with Hate”

  The cruise ship boarded at the Port of Los Angeles, and the next two full days would be at sea until the first scheduled port of call, Puerto   Vallarta.  Katherine was so hard to convince to travel without the kids, but he loved to travel and immerse himself in local culture and history.  In his book, Europe was higher on his list of fun destinations than the Mexican Riviera, but the cruise was certainly Read More

I apologize. Kinda

Unfortunately, my ability to respond to your emails has been delayed, now proceeding at break neck pace.  Well, maybe not that fast, but I am responding as best I can.  If you don’t receive a response to the ones you have sent over the last few months, email me again and if you don’t yell, I’ll try to respond. But in general, if you don’t receive a response from here on out to emails withi Read More

Bring Back Ellen

It was good while it lasted I guess.  I went to ride up to the ninth floor with Ellen today, but she wasn’t available.  I just finished a surgery and I sure needed her – that soothing voice, relaxing non – elevator music and of course skillful hands to massage my tense shoulder muscles. Yellow caution tape draped in an X fashion across her  always welcoming door, and a sign that read “un Read More

Love my Elevator and She Loves Me

                Thankfully using elevators is an uneventful occurrence for those of who travel between floors in large buildings.  When it becomes an eventful occurrence, it can be a huge stress of course and people in general have their guards up while traveling in these necessary conveyances.             Something interesting happened to me in the elevator today.  It wasn’t tra Read More

Word vomit

                  Ok, a couple things bothered me today, and they had nothing to do with patients smoking and drinking too much and expecting me to cure them from their self –induced destruction with a pill or with surgery.  No, au contraire.  It had to do with stupid words health care professionals use in charts and it bugs me enough to bloviate about it.             Word # Read More

I Felt The Grip of Death

  Death’s grip started with excruciating pain, but then, eventually faded into  peaceful bliss.  I didn’t have time to say goodbye to anyone because death would not wait for my wishes.  I wasn’t ready, but it didn’t matter; it was happening no matter what.   Death came to me, ready or not.   I touched him and felt the terrible burn, but at the same time, enjoyed the blissful wave of peace wit Read More

“Like” SRCarson site on facebook. You can also respond to my next post, eventually by email

In about 5 minutes, I will post something of significance, and I would be honored if you would respond.  I understand that there is not a place for email on my blog yet, but I promise I am going to fix that.  You can wait till then and let it all out, if you feel so inclined.  However, presently the only way to respond is on facebook if you “like” it. Best regards. SRC   Read More

Get It On

Yeah, I know, this is supposed to be a literary blog.  A place where I show some of my writing to my readers for entertainment and hopefully, to create a following for my upcoming publications. (first come first serve). Well, I had no idea what a blog was until May, and now I am even more clueless than before.  I wonder who in the hell came up with the word “blog” and why the hell do us “blogger Read More

Home Alone, Grand Finale…Maybe

The jackhammer pounding of my heart forced the blood into my carotid and temporal arteries, and it was all I could do to keep my body from jerking with each pulse, thus giving away my location to the intruder that the police couldn’t find.  I called upon my military survival training to control my breathing and concentrate totally on completing my task successfully.  My index finger gingerly remained in the Read More