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S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.


  Many who know me will say that it must be a miracle that I was able to learn how to fly airplanes and still live to tell about it. These same people believe it’s a miracle that I’ve been able to learn how to use a smart phone, kinda use text messaging, operate my own blog, use the new hospital electronic medical record without blowing it up, and of course, cook on my grill without burning the house and n Read More

Bevare the Viches…

              It was a sultry day in southern California years ago, and our high school gym barely held all the newly graduating high school seniors sitting in their stuffy caps and gowns while their parents and friends filled up the bleachers.  Most of my friends studied their watches, hoping for a quick termination of the commencement ceremonies so they could catch some good waves while the actio Read More

So Help me God

                        I’m keeping with my policy about not blogging about politics.  While I do have strong political opinions, a literary blog is not the place for them.  Today’s blog will however, be about something that is much more important than any political opinion could ever hope to be, and in fact has formed the backbone of this great country since the beginning.  I’m Read More

Bumper Sticker Baloney Blogfest

      I tried to resist, but it happened again, much beyond my control.  Yes, I tumbled over the edge again, by a bumper sticker. While I have nothing against people who enjoy placing bumper stickers on their perfectly nice cars, sometimes, depending on the content, they inexorably pump my creative juices to a point that forces me to write.   Before I spill out the details of my random thoughts Read More

Wine Pairings and Heroic Snoring

    While it’s true that wine, actually alcohol in general, will nearly always exacerbate snoring and sleep apnea, the two words have nothing to do with each other for the purposes of this blog piece.  Of course, as you will see as you read on, they have a significant connection in real life that we will discuss.   With regard to the first word – snoring, the medical field – especially sleep m Read More

“Code Blue: A Doctor’s View of His Own Near Death Experience”

You can purchase this short story digitally only on Amazon.com.  Here’s the link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FGE0942 An emotionally charged story written by a physician who provides the diagnosis and witnesses his own Near Death Experience, this story grabs the reader immediately and does not let go.  Described moment to moment with poignant detail, Dr. Carson engages the reader with a spiritual lesson t Read More

Don’t be afraid. Feel the Music.

    Admittedly before I started writing this piece I enjoyed some smooth red wine, and of course, that allows the words to flow much more freely and with less of a filter, but it is good for the heart.  At the same time, you should be thankful that I am writing these words rather than speaking them, and thus you can’t hear the shlurrred speech.   The truth is this:  I’m a tough son of a gun at Read More

One More Thing About Runners…

    I’m not into bumper stickers, but have you ever noticed that it’s becoming popular now for some people to sport bumper stickers that read:  “I’m a Runner” or “I run” or “I run therefore I am.” That bothers the hell out of me. First off, nobody cares if you are a runner or a fat slob so why advertise for no reason?  If you were a real runner, and you know what I mean by that, you wo Read More

“Get Your Program Together!”

  It was Brevard, North Carolina, sometime in the 70’s. I won’t tell you exactly what part of that decade otherwise you’ll  peg my tender age. I saved up enough money doing paper routes and mowing lawns to become an attendee of the Blue Ridge Trails running camp, designed for High School distance runners who hoped to improve their performance and learn from some of the greats in the field at the Read More

Writing Inspiration Tips

            I like to write.  Always have. I don’t have much time to write, and when I do, I try to finish editing and polishing my first novel, To Love With Hate which is best categorized as psychological suspense, although some experts feel it may own a genre its own genre.  As you know, however, I now have a blog so that I can contribute small vignettes to introduce myself to the reading market f Read More