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S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

Running to the Beach

85 degrees, hot sun in the blistering swelter of Midwestern summer.  Perfect weather for a run, at least in my mind. But then, in those days, any time of day or weather was a perfect day for running. I took each season as an opportunity to explore my physical limits of endurance, relishing the beauty of each season. Now of course, we advise runners to avoid the heat and if a run is chosen, make sure you make frequ Read More

Sitting at the Bar with Clint Eastwood

I don’t really give a flying fork what any celebrity from Hollywood thinks about politics, global warming or any subject unrelated to pure acting. Their job is to entertain us and therefore make lots of money, that’s it. Unless of course their name is Clint Eastwood, then I will listen.  Intently.  I respect Mr. Eastwood and this piece is written to show that respect. Well, I didn’t really meet him at a bar Read More


HOME “Carson, it’s time for you to go home now. Get out of here while you can.” My partners rescue me and tell me that from time to time, and I sure am relieved to hear it. I’m going home! Exhausted, I try to stay awake on the blurry drive home from my 36-hour shift at the hospital, but I can’t seem to turn my brain off from the flurry of messages and memories about my patients, ricocheting around inside Read More

A few quotes from To Love with Hate

“She wore a short yellow sundress and black halter – top that barely had enough material to hold her “tropical cruise line” badge. “and he briefly devoured the view of the server’s full red lips and soft dark skin.” “He didn’t notice the quiver in her twine – tight lips until it was too late.” “Even if you are nuts, you’re ten times hotte Read More

Hit or Get Hit

I loved baseball when I was a kid; after all, it was America’s sport, at least when I was small. Ok, I was and still am a Cub’s fan, but I won’t tell you my favorite players when I was a kid for obvious security reasons. So, of course, I went out and joined a little league baseball team, fast pitch, well, sometimes fast, usually wild hardball – or at least they were solid, hard rubber coated balls that hu Read More

Invented a New App

While I admit I’m not much of a techie, I do the basics such as texting (learned that maybe 5 years ago), emailing, viewing video presentations/lectures on my I pad etc. Heck, I even learned how to post some of my work on my blog and I try to do twitter a little, but then, I don’t really get the silly twitter – shmitter. Maybe now you will understand my shortcomings when it comes to marketing my novel and Read More

Colorado Herbs in Oil

Recently, during my multi – city, thousand points of light book signing tour across the United States, I paid a visit to the great state of Colorado. Beautiful state with crisp clean air – when the forests aren’t on fire, of course majestic purple mountains showing off their magnificent majesty. You know what I mean. So I went to a few restaurants and of course, the Italian restaurants like to give you oil t Read More