Another Teaser from the upcoming novel: “To Love With Hate”

Excuse me ma’am, but I wanted to ask if you would like to sit in first class.”
“Why of course young man, but I didn’t buy a ticket for first class. Too expensive.”
“Yes, of course, but I would like you to take my seat so you can be more comfortable. I need a change, since I fly first class all the time, and the people up there are too stuffy sometimes.”
“Well, I couldn’t, I…
“Yes you can. Here’s my ticket stub and I’ll help you to my seat and inform the flight attendant of our switch.”
She reluctantly agreed, and Gavin helped her navigate without incident through the aisle that was filling with boarding passengers and escorted her to his first class seat. She smiled and thanked him as she settled in, and a cute flight attendant took a practiced notice.
“What a generous man you are!”
“Ah, not really, but thanks, hon.” He gave her a wide grin, flashing his bright teeth.
The attendant walked closer to him so their conversation would be more private. “My name is Amanda. If you need anything at all, anything, you let me know.”
“Thanks, Amanda, I’m Gavin.”
He studied her straight teeth and bright smile, and noted that she had some surgery up front, but that never really mattered to him as long as it looked good. She then deftly slipped her card into his side coat pocket, and they smiled at each other while he quickly ran to seat 1a in coach. He had a box full of cards from businesswomen and flight attendants at home in Chicago, but hadn’t had the time to call most of them. Some day he would transfer all the numbers from the hottest ones to his cell phone.

© 2014 SRC Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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