Lecture Series Sample from the Global University of Everything


These lecture series posts will occur weekly on Wednesdays, although the first one is sunday and the first Wednesday series will be on the 10th.

Course Title: Sex is for Men and Love is for Women

Take home message for those who want to speed read: The goal is always marriage and all techniques legal or quasi – legal that are available to accomplish this goal are acceptable.

Course Credits:  Depends on how much cash you have. Remember, checks not accepted.

Instructor:  Professor I.M. Korrect, PhD, M.D. MBBS MaBS, BSM.


Welcome students to our first class.  If you pay attention to what I am saying, take good notes and stay awake you will learn the essential techniques necessary to accomplish the goal that you so far have failed to accomplish: Marriage

Many women today are college educated and also have advanced degrees in fields such as law, medicine, business administration, accounting, engineering and even politics.  They are intelligent and extremely hard working, often spending long hours at the office or the lab, returning home late at night to their lonely cats, with no food in their house but frozen macaroni dinners that they throw in the microwave and eat while reading trade journals or science articles. They are appreciated by their co – workers as bright and essential contributors to the organization and in fact, the world in general.

They made their parents proud and their boyfriends jealous as hell because they accomplished more than the men and the men felt like they were lower class and just necessary for procreation, but then procreation does not fit into these women’s careers.  Of course, while they were studying, the men were looking at their shapely legs and heels.  But did they notice?  No!  Of course not. They were too busy studying and then later working out in the gym or running long distance down the roads to maintain their perfect bodies and fitness all the while with perfect nails.

They went to office parties and charity events, smiling and looking pretty, holding intense conversations about astronomy and supply side economics, all the while not noticing that all the single men were drooling at their feminine smorgasbord.  They are hard workers, the best of the best of us, and they set a fine example for all us women.  But they work so damn hard, they are too tired to go anywhere on a vacation, have no social life and have no time to date.

But there is no need for them to destroy their youth and beauty with all that work!  I tell you, there is definitely an easier and much more pleasant way for a woman to be successful: Marry a rich and successful man!

The theme of upcoming lectures is this: Men want sex and women want Love.  That is, it.  And if you remember only one thing from this course, it will be that the goal is marriage, no matter what the cost!  I will show you how to be successful in this adventure using fail – safe and proven, sometimes shady techniques to guarantee your success. Remember, I am here to help you.

Any questions today?

“Um, professor? How long is the course and when are the final exams?”

“First off young lady, you will not be wearing blue hair and sandals to my lecture.  We will cover proper grooming, attire and hairstyles in a future series of sessions including laboratory. But, to answer your question, the course will last as long as necessary for your success but anyone who takes more than two years to achieve her goal will fail the course and have to take it over for the same price and receive remedial instruction from past successful graduates when they fly back from their vacations in Tahiti or Thailand.  Are there any other questions?”

No?  Ok, then, I look forward to seeing you next Wednesday in class.

Note to readers:   This lecture series will be posted free of charge on this blog every Wednesday, the next post will be May 10. Hopefully.

© 2017

Anna Marie

S.R. Carson

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

One thought on “Lecture Series Sample from the Global University of Everything

  1. How to stop reading you? I cannot do anything but read your posts!! the more i read the more addictive i become!!! Thank you, sir!

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