Inspirational Quotes, Blowing Leaves And Love



I’m not sure why I joined twitter. Perhaps I was told I should do it to sell my books more effectively and maximize my social media presence. So I joined with good intentions but eventually learned that it is a strange world that is filled with authors trying desperately to hawk their books, no matter what it takes, sometimes throwing their products at you nonstop, hoping you will give up and buy their books simply to stop the barrage.  Why should I buy a book just because it is retweeted to me?  Anyway, I am not convinced this was a good move for me because I refuse to play the game with twitter – fanatic gusto, but instead, I try to soak in and respond to the wisdom that is there, if one can find it, and sort through the blather. Once a month, I vow to quit twitter, but I come back like a moth to light.  I also break the rules by not liking all things that tweet their way to me, but instead, I respond to excellent writing, art, or creativity with some kind words or a creative response to engage the sender.

During my twitter immersion,  I have however, noticed a continuous waterfall of lovely and wise inspirational quotes that are quite nice. I appreciate them and admire those who send them out into the world, well intentioned to make the receiver feel good, have hope, avoid giving up while giving it the old college try, and certainly live life like there is no tomorrow.

Here is a tiny sampling and there are a billion better ones that I am sure you can find. All are obtained from the Inspirational Quotes site, without published bylines except for the one directly attributed to Robert F. Kennedy.

  1. Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly. (Robert F. Kennedy)
  2. Don’t fear change. You can lose something good, but you may also gain something great.
  3. One day you’ll just be a memory for some people. Do your best to be a good one.
  4. Thank your past for all your lessons, then move on.
  5. If you don’t step forward you will always remain in the same place.

Great quotes right? If I could wake up every morning and remember these, then stepwise implement them into my daily life at work or with my relationships, I would certainly be better off, don’t you think?  Maybe it would help to enlarge the print on a bunch of inspiring quotes, then paste them on my refrigerator, the inside of my front door, the door to my back porch, the ceiling of my bedroom and the mirrors of my bathroom.  Then, I would really have life nailed!

But no. I’ve seen so many of these quotes that I find myself ignoring most of them because they are a variation on a well – worn theme.  I know I’m supposed to do this and not do that. I realize that they are just words, and I forget them as soon as I become busy with the duties and essential aspects of life, and the words are gone – like colorful fall leaves floating away in the fickle, but knowing wind, never to be found again in the same place.

Don’t get me wrong. I appreciate all these inspiring quotes and words of knowledge about how to live life. The people who send them are to be commended. But the simple truth that I haven’t seen mentioned is this phrase I came up with to guide myself:

If you don’t carry and nurture love deep within your soul, with a strong belief in God, the words in inspirational quotes are simply words – they don’t stick and they change nothing.


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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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