So Help me God

                        I’m keeping with my policy about not blogging about politics.  While I do have strong political opinions, a literary blog is not the place for them.  Today’s blog will however, be about something that is much more important than any political opinion could ever hope to be, and in fact has formed the backbone of this great country since the beginning.  I’m talking about Christian spirituality.

No, I am not an evangelist and I don’t belong to the fire and brimstone “holier than thou crowd”. Not at all.  However, my experiences and background in life have forced me to speak out now when certain individuals and small groups have a voice that is too loud, bent on threatening our institutions so that they can achieve their goal of making our country into a Godless society.

The most recent example is some lawyer named Mikey who whined quite loudly to convince the leaders of the Air Force Academy to remove the sentence “so help me God” from the cadet honor oath that all cadets repeat yearly. It goes like this:  “We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does. Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and live honorably, so help me God.”  In fact, “so help me God” is also found in the oath of allegiance to the United States that all cadets recite on admission, as well as other service branch oaths.  Regrettably, lawsuits by similar religious freedom groups have been filed to remove “under God” from the pledge of allegiance.  Yes, we are moving to a Godless society to satisfy these insecure little people and it is weakening us and putting us in a dangerous position in the world.

Perhaps their next step is to stop asking the president to swear his oath of office on the bible during inauguration.  Should he swear his oath on the Koran?  Or should he swear his oath on the book “50 shades of Gray?”

Even major Hassan from Ft. Hood had to take the oath of allegiance to serve in the Army.  Whether he said the words “so help me God” or not, we won’t know.  But if he did say it, he was not talking to my God, because my God would never condone the awful killing of innocent people in the name of religion, in this case, Allah and Islam..  Yeah, I said it.

Back to Mikey and the Air Force Academy.  He apparently forced the superintendent of the Academy to make it “optional” for cadets to say, “So help me God” during the honor oath.  If it’s optional to say, “So help me God” during such an oath at a proud military institution, then perhaps the natural progression of the “me first” entitlement society of laziness is to allow cadets to wake up at 1030 am rather than 5:30 if they are tired, but early awakening is optional.  In addition, physical training is optional as well, because doing pushups could be against some religion.  Or maybe, discipline should be disregarded completely because smart cadets should be able to figure out what they need themselves and will certainly be able to fly multi – million dollar airplanes in combat quite easily because that doesn’t require discipline does it?

I think Mikey needs to go back to making cereal commercials.  Remember those?  “Let’s see if Mikey likes it!”

I tell you what, when I was flying, I prayed to God frequently every time I was in the cockpit, without fail, and I’m thankful that God kept me alive. Many times I thought I would buy the farm. In fact,  I’m even closer to God now and without his grace, I am nothing.

I have a friend who lived under the influence of the Soviet Union, and she was not allowed to say the word “God” in that socialist/communist environment.  Now that she has become a U.S. citizen, the freedom to express the word God openly is a right she appreciates tremendously, something she never thought she would have.  In fact, when she became a legal, productive citizen, during the ceremony, nearly 100 immigrants from across the world recited the oath of allegiance and the last three words resounded loudly throughout the auditorium: “So help me God!”  The cheering thundered straight up my spine, and I must admit, my eyes misted up a little when they played Lee Greenwood’s “God bless the USA.”

Yeah I’m patriotic as hell and I love my country and what it stands for.  But I can see and feel that the strong fabric of this country is slowly being eroded from within and we need to wake up America!  I will not stand to see this happening on multiple fronts, and neither should you if you love her.  I will fight for her until my last breath and I won’t stand for these small groups to de – spiritualize this great country.  In fact, if you don’t like this country, then get out and live somewhere else.

If I have offended anyone with this writing, then good.  Maybe you’ve learned something.  The statements I made are irrefutable.

So help me God!

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About main

S.R. Carson is a physician specialist and a published fiction and non - fiction author. He appreciates the gift of life and writes about it on his blog which includes a variety of posts including humor, satire, inspiration, life stories and spirituality.

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