Wine Pairings and Heroic Snoring



While it’s true that wine, actually alcohol in general, will nearly always exacerbate snoring and sleep apnea, the two words have nothing to do with each other for the purposes of this blog piece.  Of course, as you will see as you read on, they have a significant connection in real life that we will discuss.


With regard to the first word – snoring, the medical field – especially sleep medicine is fond of grading and describing snoring in exquisite, excruciating detail. Commonly used words are soft, loud, annoying, stuttering, house – shaking as well as the dreaded freight – train like snore.  However, the most fascinating adjective that I commonly read on sleep study reports is “heroic” snoring. Funny, but the adjective heroic doesn’t seem to go with snoring at all.  Kinda like a “bull – like bride” or a “gentle” landslide.  I usually consider heroic to have something to do with great feats of skill and courage, or extra – ordinary sacrifice for the well-being of others or society in general. Obviously you can see that I love that “heroic” has now pushed itself into the medical literature specifically with regard to snoring, which is generally regarded as at best, annoying or at worse, brutally obnoxious. Did the word snoring somehow come to the rescue of a sleeping damsel in distress one night and now has imbedded itself in the literature?  Perhaps the fabled snoring became heroic when it kept everyone in the house up all night because of the noise, thus keeping all souls alert for the coming tornado that would’ve most assuredly taken them if they were asleep?  If so, then snoring in some cases, truly can be heroic.


Now you are wondering; how is he going to connect wine to snoring?  Well, you’re in luck because you’re going to find out so keep reading attentively and grab yourself a glass of wine.   Or if you prefer vodka, whiskey or your favorite beverage.  Are you ready?


Admittedly, I enjoy a good waiter or a wine sommelier that is able to describe the best wine with the appropriate food so that they will complement each other while swirling in your naïve little palate.  Recently, it became a little too snobby for me, so I will describe the scene briefly at a restaurant I attended recently.

“Sir, may I suggest this older red wine that pairs most wonderfully with a juicy fillet or New York Strip?”

I looked at him straight faced and said, “I disagree completely. Without question, an older red pairs most exquisitely with a young woman!”

My date giggled and turned crimson.

His surprise caused him to step back from the table, almost dropping the bottle while he laughed loud enough to turn the other patron’s heads.  I think he lost his stuffy decorum for the rest of his shift that evening.  I’m happy for that.

But seriously folks, if an older red is lucky enough to pair with a young woman, the resulting snoring she endures after the hot romance will make it much less likely that she’ll pair again with older red, but I’m sure there are exceptions depending on the degree of snoring, whether it was heroic or not, and the quality of the romance.  But then, I’m told I’m not a snorer and even if I was…heroic romance always saves the day.

Love red wine.




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