I know some of my loyal readers are inspired by Frank the giant fig plant (tree), but how many are concerned about what happens when Frank consumes my house?
He continues to grow like an Atlas rocket, hoping to boost satellites into orbit as a side job, or perhaps his goals are not as lofty, I don’t know, but he seems unstoppable. I am concerned though, that as spring is here, frogs are going to jump on my doors, begging to come in and sit and croak loudly on Frank’s broad, aircraft carrier leaves. But I won’t let them come in, although meaty frog legs sauteed in butter would be very tasty indeed.
As you can see in the picture, Frank has now, nearly reached my ceiling, perhaps only one more foot to go! Soon I will have to move him, either to a higher loft in my ceiling, or, take him outside on my deck where the wildlife will attack him. But then, knowing Frank, I would be worried about the wildlife, not him. He’s a green monster.
In fact, when my cat is gone missing, and I cannot find him, I always check Frank’s pot. There is always a strong possibility that Frank will eat my aging cat. Frank is ravenous, and there is always a possibility that this could happen. The truth is though, I can’t blame Frank if he eats my cat, because my cat can be annoying at times.
My readers, I am open to suggestions at this time on how to handle Frank.
© SRCarson Publications, 2023
I’m honestly concerned about his leaves..I’m not a gardener of course.. but I would probably buy fertilizer for Frank.. and move him to the attic
Hello mr.Carson, I think this plant should be hidden from sun rays…
Cut a hole in your roof and let Frank grow like Jack and the Beanstalk. You could eventually climb him and get that golden egg! Carson and the Frankstalk …yes.