This is a longer than my usual blast. Read the whole thing if you can. The good guy gets the girl at the end. (sorry for the spoiler).
I just watched a great Super Bowl game and loved the entertainment and the momentary relief from the stress of what’s happening around us. While many were partying and getting ready for the game, our military was shooting down spy aircraft and “unidentified objects” in Canada, Alaska, Michigan and last week, and of course the massive spy balloon off the coast of Myrtle Beach. And yes, our feckless president allowed it to traverse the country and complete its spy mission, unhindered for 7 days or so.
This never should have happened.
There is a lot we don’t know however, and I will not speculate on the other aircraft until we know more, that is if we will ever be allowed as the general public to know more, but the spy balloon was Chinese: A Chinese spy balloon collecting information over hour sensitive military sites. Our present executive office in Washington (you know who I am talking about), has created an environment where our adversaries are emboldened by what they have observed over the last few years, and realize that our leader has no backbone, and in fact, it seems, may have been compromised by The Chinese as a Vice president. The Afghanistan surrender and retreat from our allies, with the tragic death of ten service members, is an example of incompetent leadership and faulty decision making our adversaries watched closely and we should never forget.
Yes, it is true, I have said before on this blog that I tray to avoid discussing politics, however, I am a man who has served this country and has also great love for my great country, and I must speak out when I see it deteriorating from the inside out, due to lack of leadership, will, and common sense. After all, aren’t Democrats and Republicans, despite their difference on various issues, supposed to come together to protect the common good of the American people? After all, if you think about it, Democrats and Republicans become meaningless when our way of life is snuffed out.
The Chinese, are in fact, our number one enemy and we have coddled them and made them most favored nation for many years, and for nearly forty years, built their country, let them steal our technological secrets, allowed thousands and thousands of Chinese students to learn math and science at our great institutions, steal secrets from Los Alamos nuclear labs, send their students to spy on our campuses and compromise our academics with money and favors. It’s ok, right? We are an open society and we get called “racist” or “Xenophobes” when we notice this and try to stop it. No one wants to feel the fear of being called a racist or Xenophobe and be canceled right?
To hell with that crap.
Oh, and by the way, my next novel is in the process of being published, and I touch on some of these subjects, in a very fascinating and unusual way, as thrillers go. You know, hold on to the seat of your pants and don’t soil yourself. But if you think you will soil yourself reading my upcoming novel, I suggest wearing depends underwear when reading.
Now, we actually send money and technology to China, and our money is now being used to destroy ourselves. But that’s ok right? The most important thing for us is to be “WOKE” and teach gender studies to our young, encourage children before puberty that they do not have to be the actual genetic and anatomic sex at birth and that they can change their sexual orientation or have puberty blockers and surgery without parents’ consent. Children are being taught in many schools that they can question their biologic sex at an early age, even if they don’t understand, and if we question this indoctrination, then we are accused of being homophobic or trans-phobic or whatever.
So be it. Go ahead and accuse me. I am correct. They are not.
And yes, there is a nationwide push to teach Critical Race theory to young kids who are out playing with each other, do not even look at color of their friends, and now are being encouraged to look at color even though they don’t want to, and that if they are white, they are in fact, born guilty as white supremacists. But that can’t be racist though, right? Those that indoctrinate us, are by definition, not guilty of what they accuse us of, right?
We are abolishing certain mathematics courses because they are “racist” because certain ethnic groups “cannot possibly” get the right answers. Really? And in fact, good SAT scores for college admission should be thrown out as racist due to lack of equity and indoctrination by Marxist thought, and this indoctrination tidal wave has pushed the narrative that some races are incapable of good test scores, so we need to admit them to colleges before considering people with good scores.
And yes, we are being told that equity is more important than equality. Equality means that each individual or group is given the same opportunities to succeed, and it is up to them to make it happen with those equal opportunities. Equity means each person comes from different circumstances, but we must allocate resources proportionately so that all people have the same resources so that all outcomes must be the same no matter what. Equal outcomes, throughout human history, are never achievable.
It is 50 years of the gradual influx of Marxist thought into our culture, supplanting class Marxism with Race Marxism.
Now, I will get to the point here with a little more swiftness. Our present Washington leadership had erased all previous border protections, in order to achieve an open border so as to obtain favor with certain voters. With that, comes huge amounts of fentanyl, produced by China and sent over by the Cartels to kill our young kids. It has been successful, unfortunately, in addition, sex trafficking is much more likely to occur, and millions cross our border, and many are unaccounted for and unfortunately do us harm with terrorism. I don’t want to hear the sob stories about running from oppression and tyranny, because that just is not the case the majority of the time, but America must have borders or it is not a country anymore. We cannot allow everyone to come here illegally, no matter who they are, then feed them clothe them, educate them and indoctrinate them with this Marxism.
It seems the general atmosphere is that an increasing percentage of us no longer respect the foundations that made our country great: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And that includes the only economy that ever works: Capitalism. So, we let people tear down statues of George Washington, Columbus, Lincoln, and other unlucky statues, because well, the people “deserve the right to protest” but certainly it is not violent, right?
China is our enemy and they are working very hard to defeat us and have been doing it for years because our weak politicians and greedy businessmen, (and women), and vice versa, have allowed it to happen. We need to wake up and fight back
Yes, fight back. For our country
I talked about heroes in a blog a few months ago. You need to know we still have heroes amongst us, but many are quiet. Some of my patients are high skilled and knowledgeable in the let’s say, military intelligence field, and other associated fields and trust me, they are nervous. I respect their service very much. They can’t sleep at night because of this, and something is going to happen if we don’t’ get our heads out of the warm, soothing, WOKE sand of temporary warmth that precedes self-inflicted doom.
But these brave individuals who are patriots, cannot do it alone. They need a strong and effective and intelligent leader who is not bought and paid for. A leader who cares only about serving his or her country and nothing else. I certainly hope we can find this leader soon for the sake of our wounded country. The thing is, these types of people are already serving us in various fields, but do not want this stressful, and seemingly impossible job.
We must become heroes ourselves and speak up. I did it at my hospital and got called out for it, yet, told these WOKE leaders that they cannot stop me. So, they backed off. All of us need to tell the truth and work in our little ways, to speak up for our country, like parents did in the Virginia PTA meetings, as you recall.
But besides ourselves, everyday people—I believe, the majority of us, are silent ones who agree with me, and besides finding and electing a high-quality leader who cares only about the country, and not false narratives, to make some people smile and clap, is there anyone else who can help us?
We need another hero.
We need a hero who will show us the way. Do we need someone else who will step in and change this downward spiral and show our leaders the way? A hero who doesn’t care if he or she is called names or derided violently? A hero who has been there and done that, and sees things the way they are? And most importantly, a hero who has humility and believes in God and his son Jesus Christ.
Who could this be?
Now that I think about it, where is Ollie? We need Ollie.
I need to find Ollie.
In fact, the good people of the world need me to find Ollie.
© SRcarson Publications. 2023
very deeply .. with meaning .. I was imbued with every part of my soul! I am delighted
As for me, they are more hiding the disaster in Ohio with fictional UFOs … but people with critical thinking cannot be deceived … thanks for understanding such an important topic
A very patriotic post of proud American! As very educational, from your post I knew more than from books or politic shows. Thank you!