Get It On

Yeah, I know, this is supposed to be a literary blog.  A place where I show some of my writing to my readers for entertainment and hopefully, to create a following for my upcoming publications. (first come first serve).

Well, I had no idea what a blog was until May, and now I am even more clueless than before.  I wonder who in the hell came up with the word “blog” and why the hell do us “bloggers” use this stupid name?  Blog sounds like a slurpy pile of smelly mud that we slosh through with our old clod – hopper boots.  Oh sorry, thats actually a real word – bog – but who cares. Basically it’s a place where you can write what you want and blow off steam with word vomit while hopefully avoiding jail time.

Now mind you, I’m going to attempt to avoid political satire and bloviation about current events because lets face it; I want people of all persuations to read my publications without carrying a silly grudge about my beliefs.  But I can’t help but say this:  I love America and what it stands for, but we damn well better wake up and clean up our act now.

After exposing you to my word vomit tonight, you can bet that I’m going to take a break from the literary side of my “Internet/writing/example/site”.  Instead, I’m going to make it simple because I’m damn tired.  Operating on hearts all day is exhausting.  But, damn, I love it.  Sometimes though, we need music. I love all genres of music, depending on my mood of course.  But sometimes, I just love turning up the car stereo full blast with the windows rolled down and just let it wail.  Now, only certain types of music are conducive to that, mind you, for example, Steppenwolf’s “Magic Carpet Ride”, “Angry Eyes”, Credence,  or Led Zeppelin or…hell, the list is long and my eyes are too red to type anymore.  And also, I’m sure you don’t care what I think about music.  And in fact, I don’t care about you not caring either.  But, here is one of my favorite oldies that the younger crowd will enjoy too.  You will likely never hear such a glorious cascade of trumpets than this:  Bill Chase’s  “Get it On” , vintage 1971:

I suggest if you like the you tube version, down load the Itunes for Chase: “Get it on”. Instructions for playing are:  Loud as hell!  Top down.  All windows rolled down.  Let your hair fly and set yourself free.  If you don’t like it, then go play badminton with your grandma.  And yes, I was a trumpet player.

Before I pass out, I need to apologize that my short story that I was mentioning that I would publish electronically and sell on has been delayed temporarily.  You see, I can’t find my IT guy anymore.  He must’ve vanished and followed in Snowden’s footsteps, asking for asylum in some South American Country, hoping to spill the beans about…SRC.

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