She Loves Popcorn

She Loves Popcorn She is accomplished in her career, takes pride in her looks and her fitness, likes a little adventure as long as it’s not too dangerous or painful, and practices moderation and self-control —especially with food and alcohol but as far as men, she only chooses the best­—he must be self-confident but not arrogant, accomplished in his field of endeavor and always working to improve, bu Read More

I Know a Guy Who Knew a Guy

So, this guy told me some guy told him that he wanted to share some stories with the general public about some secret adventures he did when he was quite young, but nevertheless, over many years, he never told his parents about. Sadly, his beloved parents are deceased now, and this guy now wanted to release this top-secret information about his childhood. Kind of like the 100-year rule in certain governmen Read More

Ollie and the Letter to Suzy

Ollie And the Letter She just finished an exhausting six-hour photo shoot, modeling the hottest swimwear by Guess, on the seven- mile beach in Negril. By the time she arrived in her hotel room, she tossed her bag onto the chair next to the suitcase holder and fell onto the bed, drained of energy.  As she lay there, gathering her thoughts and clearing her mind, she remembered the letter.  The lette Read More

She Loves Coffee

She started when she was in college, like most students, trying to stay awake, studying for exams, and like most, the initial taste wasn’t immediate love, but it wasn’t long, and the coffee smell wafting through the air as it was prepared, swiftly took control of her Pavlovian call for an immediate cup, and no human better get in her way when that happens.  It wasn’t long and her olfactory bulb lear Read More

The Old Man Returns

It was 10:55 am, five minutes before opening time at the Beach Bar, and Sam turned on the lights and unlocked the front door, but not the side door which remained dead-bolted. He retrieved his broom and dust pan, and quickly began sweeping up under the booths to make things presentable for his early customers, who wouldn’t enjoy a few lonely peanut shells under their feet that he missed from last -nights Read More

She Loves to Play the Piano

She Loves to Play the Piano She has other interests in life, whether that means running her own business, or traveling on those rare occasions when she has time, but she always takes time to maintain her health —to run if the weather permits, or take Jazz class on days when she isn’t working out in the gym —although the problem with the gym is that the sweaty muscle-bound men smile and  stare at her Read More

Meeting the Director

“We need to start cleaning up the fat and waste and use our personnel and resources for more important National Security Issues.  I called you here today gentleman, to discuss some options that have been brought to our attention from representatives here today from the CIA, NSA, DIA as well as Homeland Security.  Thank you for coming, ladies and gentleman.” The five representatives simply Read More

She Loves Ice Cream

She eats it at home, whenever she can, and it doesn’t matter what time of day, really.  It could be later morning, afternoon before dinner, and of course in the evening before bed, especially if it’s been a stressful day.  She’s aware of her figure, since all men tend to get whiplash when she walks down the street and gaze helplessly at her rhythmic hips as she walks and her tight skirt sho Read More

Wind Chime Psy-Ops. I Need Ideas

Wind Chime Psy-Ops:  Any ideas? Warning to my readers who love to hang loud Wind Chimes outside your house:  This piece will offend you. So, I suggest reading it after a couple shots of bourbon.  Your thinking will soon be as clear as the flow of a meandering mountain stream, naturally cleansing your chronically metal-clanged neurons. That is, until you try to get up and walk a straight line. Read More

Thanks for Your Active Participation

I appreciate the five guesses on the old Cross-Country photo contest searching for the young SRCarson. All entries were winners! Three out of the five entries got one of the two photos correct. One guessed at only one photo, and that guess was correct. And the final entry guessed at both and was correct on both. I know this was challenging, especially with the poor quality old newspaper photo reproduction Read More